Hey All,
So I am asking this question in advance, as I still have 1 inner arm peony to go - otherwise my 3/4 sleeve is finished with the background and coloring.
It is of a japanese kirin with it's face on my lower arm and legs up towards my shoulder.
I love the colors and everything in the sleeve except for a top vertical leg that sticks up.
I'm starting to think it is out of place and points at me oddly.
It's also not drawn as geometrically as the other 3 legs but I dismissed this at the stencil stage and did not tell the artist.
Is it worth lasering this leg so that the artist can redraw it?
Even though I have one peony left, i think I can more or less see how the sleeve tattoo will look like?
I am a bit bummed I am feeling this way, but has anyone else been in my position?
Have you gone for a large tattoo or sleeve, overlooked something in the stencil then sought laser down the track to redraw it?
Should laser only be reserved for worst case scenarios?