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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. well - today was my first day "occupationally" with a visible tattoo i have stuff that pokes out here or there but this forearm piece was out for the masses and it will stay that way as i wear short sleaves at work in fact I have another forearm piece on the other arm coming in august interesting day - sept is sure to be even more intense as the summer program is small in comparision with less parent interaction only a few comments from the kids (i work in education) but the staff were all about the questions "whats it mean" was on the top of the list lots of compliments and good questions that i didnt mind and thankfully i didnt get asked my pet peeve of questions the dreaded "how much" to which i never directly answer anyway - no regrets
  2. no problem to post it here but maybe also the IG thread
  3. here is a better pic - one that Sheila took - along with some others she did yesterday
  4. Sheila Marcello
  5. echoing whats been said lowers leg tatttoos take a long time to heal i got a shin tattoo 6 weeks ago its still healing in one spot i would say forget it it may not turn out to be what you wanted but its on ya so i would say learn to love it or not anyway - go get more tatts :) you'll feel better and maybe its not a shop or artist that gets a return visit from you
  6. Pharaoh's Horses by Sheila Marcello @ Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park they had a traditional flash weekend event @ the shop as I was getting tattooed by Sheila I was a few feet away from Bert Krak and Robert Ryan doing pieces there was many other big names there as well - place was packed seeing Bert up close I couldnt believe how big the guy is - he looks like he could suit up for the NY Giants if he wanted very cool vibe at this shop though I would say I prefer less of a crowd pic is shiny - meh
  7. Sheila Marcello
  8. I think the main shop I am thinking about for upcoming work is Smith St. - I'm in jersey so it'll probably be a reality this fall. I've got pieces coming up in august and Sept already schedule - so I'm thinking October might be a nice time for a sick day :)
  9. dude its badass as it is i vote leave it i have a boston and he's a pain in the ass j/k i love him - but he is a pain in the ass though
  10. ah its a cool topic i think i generally like showing off some tattoos i wear shorts alot except a few winter months and i have good coverage on my legs of course once i go forearm in august it'll be game on even at work i enjoy talking about tattoos but still get suprised by how rude some folks can be like last week i was at a doctors office and this guy stares down my my tiki tattoo then he says "too dark - needs more color" I stared back - didnt say a word - then when back to watching the tv he couldnt give up of course and continued to trash talk his sons tattoos to which i said - "hey - different styles for different people man" thankfully he was called away to see the doc :)
  11. no poetry here go bigger is good advice - always! not judging the content myself just wondering if you had an issue with it meaning - were you second guessing yourself on it
  12. lots of good advice here go bigger is a good one also - is it placement thats the issue or content? kinda feeling it might be both also - if you plan to get a bunch of tattoos then just proceed and get on with it the more you have around it the more natural to the spot it will look
  13. timely topic - 18 tattoos in and i'm finally going forearm in august - working in a primary school i have definitely given it alot of thought but i too am at the stage where i dont care if it compromises me or changes peoples opinions of me - i wear short sleeves at work and intend to continue this year - other staff show their tattoos but only one other person has a small forearm tatt - other than that its leg pieces or back of neck, etc anyway - i am looking forward to it
  14. i can relate i'm a social worker who works in a school but also have done private practice for about 15 years people are assholes is the answer you are looking for ah the stories i could tell and while you do deposits alot changed when i started charging cancelation fees i myself think no call no show is about the rudest thing you can do to a professional but its part of the game i guess anyway good luck with your tattooing career i forget if i follow you on IG?
  15. can we see these wretched tatts :) and welcome pretty cool forum and yes - you will get some recs in regards to tattooers local to you best section imo is the interviews - really good watch em all supposed to be a new one coming up soon
  16. welcome diggin those gallery shots you have an IG with more of your work?
  17. whats your primary concern are you concerned with the tattoo getting messed up my gut would be that its on ya now and the full healing could still be awhile to go i'd say go play ball and see how it goes i'm currently healing my shin - coming up on 4 weeks and its taking its sweet time but its summer and i love to bodysurf - so fuck it thing is since the art lives on your body anything can happen to it gotta live though and enjoy curious to see some other feedback
  18. err - I am embarrassed to say I know where to find this but ck page 10 of chest / torso tattoos:o an amazing pharoahs horses piece on a obviously beautiful woman
  19. forget the touch up tattoos arent perfect not supposed to be move on and get more :)
  20. went to a party and pretended to like people
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