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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. kirk good to see you on here - i have met you while getting tattooed by Shannon - have a couple of pieces by her - love your work though and your shop is great too - I'll be in soon to see Shannon - hope to see you there Shannon's pieces on me:
  2. it gets interesting when you go forearm which i did this summer onto both forearms - i wear short sleeves at work (school counselor at a primary school) and as i predicted the kids love them and the adults have a multitude of comments and questions which have mostly died down its funny as my overall coverage increases i get more comments and let me tell you it is quite a revealing experience in terms of the social skills defecits that many adults around me have i myself feel that i have quite good tact when speaking with others - understanding what topics or commentary are in good form or poor taste, etc - but those around me - wow "how much did that cost, how can you afford that?" "why would you do that to yourself?" "what do you think you'll look like when you're 80?" and of course "what does it mean, it must mean something?" but i have no regrets going below the elbow and i intend to add more :) its funny though - i'm telling my wife how so many times in conversations that peoples eyes dart around to my tattooed areas and how that feels weird - she said - "now you know what it's like to have cleavage"
  3. i have to say i find this season to be the least enjoyable of the series i wish that they could cut the drama and the odd skull challenges and just have these artists just let these artists make good tattoos each week they seem to force these gimmicky ideas week to week and so many of the artists are portrayed to have awful personalities which i think alot of it is a big staged deal anyway - the product of this show gets more unattractive from season to season and week to week just one mans opinion
  4. i think cycling images provides a great subject matter for tattoos i have a fish on a bike myself looking forward to seeing more as your leg sleve develops
  5. always hate to see threads like this originate because the OP always takes off and leave a dust storm of stuff like this behind - its well established here (on this forum) what the focus is - getting tattoos and sharing the awesomeness of it - sure there are off shoots of this general theme but i think when you see a thread like this develop the best thing to do is leave it go all forums have their uniqueness of the forbidden or taboo topics / discussion so this one is no different - i quite like it and to me there are plenty of cool folks on here just sharing all the good stuff about collecting tattoos, etc anyway - lets put this thread to bed go have some fun elsewhere on the site - and if you havent watched every interview twice - then what are you doing :)
  6. little sum sum from Sheila Marcello @ Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park NJ
  7. i work in ed - this sounds like one dumbass educator - problem is that sometimes the educator is so seeking approval from the youth they are serving that they compromise their professional selves - now personally - i think this person should lose their professional license as it sounds like they supervised this scratchfest - i dont know about iowa - but in jersey i think they'd be in hot water and that this would be a pretty big story
  8. now - you probably have decided to get them covered but I say why i dig both those tatts you got more room I'm assuming put some cool tatts somewhere else and carry on just my 2 cents though good luck with whatever you decided though
  9. yeah you certainly do have a good reason there - congrats again man to you and the mrs. :)
  10. a little Brian Bruno to get you in the mood - the whole series is pretty cool...
  11. sounds like you are doing your homework - good luck and welcome of course make sur to post pics of your tattoo once you get it IG is a dangerous time sucking place but... you can really get a good feel of what to expect from the different artists as so many of them post regularly their work anyway - i hope you get some good inisghts here as well both of those pieces you just posted are pretty dope hope you get a killer piece on ya too
  12. i love doing that - more and more i have evolved to giving the artist the freedom to do what they like - picking from their flash or just giving a general idea and letting them do their thing - if you like and trust that artist - it makes the process quite fun for both parties i think
  13. pics please - love fish tatts! have 3 myself :)
  14. listen - take this advice for whatever but if you are into continuing to get tattooed and plan to increase your overall coverage then I would say leave this tattoo go for a little awhile and get some other tattoos by artists you might trust a little more - after awhile this tattoo will get lighter anyway and your other tattoos will 'pick up the slack' for this guy - just my 2 cents
  15. marley mission? well - if you ever been on a marley mission then you know what i'm talkin bout :)
  16. Chris Adamek @ Immortal Ink (North Jersey) does pretty amazing portrait work - only B&G I believe - as for traditional Japanese - its not a style that I personally go for - but I think folks might point you into NY - Invisible or Kings Ave. might provide you with several options there as for referrals though - I bet you're gonna have a few folks give you some ideas that have better insights than myself on this type of thing
  17. Sheila Marcello in September @ Electric in Asbury NJ then.... considering either something from Robert Ryan @ Electric OR a trip to Smith St. for something from Dan or Eli both are def gonna happen just a matter of which will be first
  18. imagine also what a waste of governement the enforcing of such laws entails - what is it gonna be someone's full time job snooping around for those hidden ink bottles what a waste and of course how ridiuclous in the first i wonder if shops and tattooers will just ignore the law anyway i saw one prominent tattooer I follow on IG said he'd go underground before complying with this law anyway - hopefully more rational heads prevail and this gets properly sorted out i work in education so i'm way too used to the uniformed political decision makers destroying my industry just to serve their own agendas in a quest for increased wealth and power as always follow the money trail
  19. well you probably wont get alot of responses here on this but i'll bite first tattoo and your going for something on the finger meh - bad idea imo you're better off buying an inspirational piece of jewelry or a bracelet if you're still wanting a tattoo get a real tattoo look through some of the galleries or threads on here think about things you like, images etc and then start searching for artists in your area look at their work, etc and go from there but a word on a finger when you have no other tattoos like i said bad idea imo but good luck either way my opinion is just that just an opinion
  20. sol you're overthinking this - who cares who likes it - if its trendy blah blah you need to like it - thats it get what you get but dont get upset
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