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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. its amazing how mainstream they have become as a design i work in a k-2 school and at least once a day i see a student with some kind of skull shirt for the girls its mostly the sugar skull or the skull with the bow at the top as for the attraction - what could be more representative of man but the human skull the protective armor of what ultimately houses our essence or like mick would say - skulls are fargin cool :)
  2. yeah looking forward to philly you're right though i always take it real easy after getting tattoos want to let them heal properly i usually just do some core stuff so i dont lose my mind
  3. got some rib action scheduled for 12/10 - probably 4hour range - woot!
  4. label = friggin awesome i'd snag that off the shelf for a try just based on that label
  5. favorite tree design i have seen
  6. yeah i guess you probably learn some about yourself going through this process i would imagine it reveals just how patient a person can be - i think i would chomping at the bit to keep adding progress
  7. the whole scene looked way fake and overplayed like a bad afterschool special about the dangers of drugs sad thing is they joked this show out i mean a lot of you would say it was joked out from the start but i was into it - i would say that this thing has jumped the shark for me but i'm lame and will probably still watch anyway :p
  8. you full back folks are impressive - quite a commitment - looks like you are off to a good start mrtoby - also drawn to that skull as well
  9. true true not defending him its the problem with the world isnt people can type stuff that they wouldnt say in person impulsivity knows no bounds on the interweb but anyway
  10. i dont think he meant it in a derogatory way a few folks were commenting on her beauty and i think that was what he was echoing that probably better words coulda been chosen but i guess we'll see if the man chooses to respond for himself on it
  11. stupid outcome on this last episode - but seriously who gives a shit that the guy smoked weed - is there some kind of competitive advantage there - i also thought the rest of the contestants bustin his balls saying he cheated looked pretty lame
  12. its funny how polarizing such an issue can be - i am def a whatever floats your boat guy on issues like this - that said - i couldnt imagine blunting the pain - it would diminish the experience for me as i see it as such an amazing part of the process anyway just my .02
  13. cool thing to collect - throw some pics up - interesting stuff i collect all things vintage bike though my spare dollars have been more and more going to ink but anyway - i have a decent collection of freewheel removers - weird huh
  14. i'm sure you're right i wont pretend to be that familiar with all the boroughs it is a hoot though couple times a year and i'm good
  15. carmines is awesome - if you are ready to chow down gingerman will satisfy even the snobbiest of beer snobs with plenty hors deevers
  16. if you're hitting manhattan - might i suggest... The Ginger Man | New York City
  17. ok first i do think your tattoo is kinda cool but... real thoughts coming here... the application (with rough picture to judge mind you) looks rough line weight issues? poor design? this dagger could and should be so much more - right? anyway - just a client perspective here i would learn to love it but i would also move along with my dollas for my next one too harsh? regards marley
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