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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. the whole experience was top notch - was never at the other shop to compare but the vibe was top notch - a chilled out music - just mellow - got to sit next to Robert Ryan as he discussed a piece with his customer - seemed like a super cool mellow guy - Sheila was awesome as for the color - this tattoo was from her original artwork that is also on her IG if you scroll back a bit - she has free reign with color choice but we did discuss it and it sounds like she intends to stick close the colors in the original piece her stuff is right up my alley right now
  2. color to come Sheila Marcello Electric in Asbury, NJ
  3. marley mission

    image 164981

    Sheila Marcello Electric in Asbury Park, NJ
  4. Haha you like that Shit man I'm always thinking about peanut butter
  5. getting some back work on thursday - went and got one of those 'lotion applicators' to use for washing and ointment application - could have the wife do it but would rather do it myself - i know seesea had success with it - i'll have to chime in a review once i use it - assuming i need to use it - not sure completely about size and placement of the piece but i have a feeling that i will need as my shoulders are banged up and my flexibility is sh1t
  6. get your first out of the way - see how the experience goes i think its alot of fun going to different artists suprising you have 62 posts and no ink yet ;) get on with it :)
  7. i have a ps4 - love it - play mostly sports games though with the kids we have a blast because they are all pretty good players so we have very competitive games favorites are mlb the show15, nba2k15, fifa15 the show and nba are so damn real looking and you can play with legend teams / players - insane
  8. i think upper arm is a good spot to start for anyone eh its prime real estate i guess but what isnt :) so i guess go big if you're going there but in terms of discomfort / pain upper arm experiences were super easy
  9. on all 3 of my thigh tattoos they really scabbed up and generally looked piss poor for awhile but the trick is to forget about them really - clean and dry - occasional lubriderm anyway - its what works for me i think its a mistake to overclean and overlube fresh tattoos need to breathe imo
  10. leave it alone - clean and dry legs are a pain to heal
  11. is there a thread for organic dip recipes...or can I ask here?
  12. i've been drinking tequila and i'm here to tell you all a thing or two... too soon? ;)
  13. rad you broke the rule - where's the pic!
  14. hate to see this type of thread action listen - no one is trying to convince another to like this tattoo or that tattoo so why should you guys continue to argue really this very fact that we are all into different stuff is half the beauty of it lets embrace that and please people - how bout a new rule - if your post is gonna be a nagetive one you have to at least throw up a pic of a cool tattoo - more pics - less arguing edit: i noticed i misspelled negative - but i'm gonna leave it as i think nagetive should be a word to describe when negativity and nagging have a baby - dont be that 'nagetive' guy!
  15. i think something to keep in mind is that many factors impact how you heal and if you scab, etc so it might not be your care that influences this process i had same artist recently do a thigh and shoulder piece shoulder was thin peel done in a week thigh will be much longer for a full heal - more in the 6 week range i also have an artist i barely even peel at all anyway
  16. less is more let er breathe 1 or 2 washes a day first couple days fragrance free soap 2-3 days of Aquaphor thin thin coat maybe some lubriderm after that sporadically avoid major sweat producing activities first week or so moisture is not your friend imo
  17. chopping wood with a tequila afterparty...worse ways to spend a day thrown down some more funky flash man
  18. traditional meets weird meets loose = awesomeness def where my interests are headed
  19. meh - why not?! last jar by jamie sawyer immortal ink clinton nj
  20. yeah this last piece was a quick 2 on the stomach - it had its moments but overall not too bad i'm telling ya - 6 on the ribs has made everything since a breeze by comparison
  21. haha those are awesome man hey keep the hard work with your art you'll get there but like i said i'm diggin the style you got going
  22. haha i wanna see that espresso cup rad i like your art i see on the IG - to me def has a traditional flavor anyway - to each their own i def sense a group hug coming
  23. hey guys - this thread is no longer productive - weigh in on some other topics and get some more fun and interesting talk going - we dont all have to agree here :cool:
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