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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. @SeeSea sounds like you handled yourself pretty well there - ignore fools like this i do this thing where i pretend people like that are just furniture - background anyway i find that reactions to tattoos tell me an enormous amount about a person unfortunately it aint always positive meh be psyched about your upcoming tatt :)
  2. ya know what it is i'm pretty mellow with people i like and he's earned that from knowing me for over 20 years he's a good guy in many ways i was disappointed though especially since he brought it up when he didnt have to and it 'unstoked' me a bit about hooking up meh
  3. i ate a shit ton of awesome brownies this weekend...no not those kind - just awesome - some salted caramel chunky monkey type of brownies anyway - it was awesome except finding pants to fit into this morning was quite the challenge
  4. dealing with people they suck um - not you guys cause you're on the internet ;) edit: feel like a jerk for bitchin after saw jones post sorry for your loss man
  5. said it before but i'm saying it again i'm more and more a less is more type guy this last session on my back i did aquaphor 1x day for 3 days then nothing after that and its healing great seems lowers are def harder to heal than uppers - at least for me curious about lower arm healing - which is coming up in august...bueller...
  6. interesting one today - took an old friend paddleboarding who i hadnt seen in a long while he was quick to inform me that he had become pretty conservative and felt strongly and negatively about tattoos and people getting tattoos - we've known each other over 20 years so it was just a conversational blip in a great day of SUP and catching up but...it was a bummer in a way - a reminder i guess of how judgemental folks - even good folks - can be - meh
  7. i think 4hours is optimal for a session length - you're at the point where you leave still wanting more - 9 must be brutal - no matter where the placement - i would be tired of being tattooed long before that my longest was 6 on the ribs no breaks and it pretty much sucked haha
  8. @purplelace is there a more gratuitous poster of profanity lol
  9. yeah i get comments now and again - i think though that people that hate on tattoos or tattooed people are typically haters in general and thus...not worth my time
  10. The Pros and Cons of Running with Scissors
  11. yep clean is right - first time on the lower arm - i have been hesistant to go there - but 17 pieces in - uh - its time :) @SeeSea when are you getting that thigh piece again?
  12. what works for me is to give a money window of what I have to work with for a piece and go from there - i dont think its too awkward
  13. 8 days sounds good to me - but everyone is different and every tattoo is different - I think you are wise to take caution though - plus - if you work out on a regular basis the break will do you well and you'll probably end up making some gains from the layoff
  14. session 2 on the back with Sheila Marcello on 6/3 @ Electric in Asbury Park and now 8/23 with Becca Genne-Bacon @ End is Near in Brooklyn going onto the lower arm for the first time with a rose and horseshoe combo
  15. 2nd frog tattoo started... the first...
  16. @SeeSea lotion stick works great for wash and lotion though i only really do that for first couple days my upper tattoos are typically easy heals its not finished - color in couple weeks
  17. what if you were alone with your last jar of peanut butter...
  18. no worries - its just that it seems too much negativity floats around here lately but yeah its cool
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