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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. yeah Janie from Rabbits Den in Milltown is also someone to check out too - never got tattooed by her but got tattooed there several times by Matt Dunn (now @ Old Glory in Asbury) - cool shop and Janie seemed pretty nice in my interactions with her Immortal has two shops and many good artists
  2. check out Jamie Sawyer on IG - Immortal Ink in Clinton NJ She is usually booked out for a month or 2 but thats pretty normal for alot of artists she does alot of work that I think you would like based on your interests
  3. not alot of space left - well shit then how bout throwin down some pics :)
  4. Kent - you've come to the end of the line brotha - you need to get to a shop and start to talking to an artist - we can recomend someone if we know where you living at - short of that - you wont get much else in the way of help - at least thats my prediction
  5. no world peace, climate fixes, disease cures please keep it lite - keep it in the spirit of LST 1 - Tattoo money tree - my funds are running low - seriously :) 2 - more LST interviews!! - cause they are awesome fun 3 - bring back Tattoo of the Month - we promise - we'll enter!
  6. 'just having some fun' is what you get from me in response to majority of the 'whats it mean' questions
  7. Time to move on to where ya livin kent Chances are someone can point you to a good artist Who can sort out the rest for ya
  8. Little awesomeness from Robert Ryan @ Electric Tattoo in Asbury NJ
  9. at the risk of a little TMI my most recent tattoo has to do with a degenerative retina disease that was recently diagnosed to me
  10. I personally wouldn't use that quote - not because it's dumb or anything like that just personal preference I'm more a fan of some imagery but you are the wearer so whatever floats your boat As for text style - again talk to a good artist - basically search shops around you and get on Instagram as so many artists - if not almost all - post their regular work look for examples of their recent work Cause here's the thing If you get that text done by a poor artist You could end up with a hot mess Sitting all alone On your forearm You'll be second guessing that one for awhile Lettering alone as a tattoo can be unforgiving Especially in a prominent area Shaky lines, uneven line weight, blown out lines, unreadable or unattractive lettering This could all happen if you don't find the right artist So choose wisely
  11. As for imagery that would be personal to you I don't think I could help you there That part has gotta come from you I think As for the script alone - plenty of people like script tattoos So for me it's just my personal taste that I wouldn't want that standing alone Now - if you do just go for the script Make sure you find someone that does it well And let them do the lettering design And depending on the location of the tattoo you should listen to the artists advice on size Don't be the guy with a little script tattoo floating in the middle of the forearm Because then you've just killed some prime real estate should you want additional tattoos in the area
  12. I'll be direct here Doubting yourself on this design is a good thing Especially if you had ideas to use that exact script in the tattoo On the positive - the idea of a getting a tattoo that symbolizes your struggle with OCD sounds like a cool one - but I think you should go with some imagery rather than text And this next part is quite important - find a good artist You've done the right thing coming here to ask some questions Tattoos can be fun and impulsive things and work out just fine But most of the time - it's better to slow it down and do some thinking and researching It seems this is a case where you did have some doubt and it helped prevent you from making a bad decision - just my two cents - keep us updated
  13. i'll be following this thread closely - could get interesting ;)
  14. i like the first image alot - and go for the ribs - worth the pain not familiar with Eterno's work but i do like the advice of looking to the artist and their existing work i tend to find myself more and more just letting the artist do their thing
  15. i actually thought from your pics that maybe what you're seeing is bruising def keep us updated i hope my earlier post didnt come off too negative i mean like i said its not my style of tattoo but then again - you shouldnt care what i think anyway good luck with your heal
  16. awesome time with Shannon Pagliarini @ Crown and Anchor in Pt. Pleasant NJ little collarbone action
  17. Shannon Pagliarini
  18. could we see a pic not familiar with or a fan of white ink tattoos but we could still give you feedback as for stencil 'ink' taking 2 weeks to 'leave' i would say that sounds odd now i would also tell you to get a proper tattoo next time by someone who has experience in that tattoo style
  19. @bongsau you know what though - i answer every question about the meaning of my tattoos the same - "no meaning - just for fun" - most people need to hear that at least twice before they accept that - now - its not true completely - because i think every tattoo has some meaning - even if its in the loosest sense of the word - we're attracted to the image - to the moment maybe - like my friday the 13th tattoos i got recently - to me they represent the absolute joy of sometimes just being impulsive and spontaneous and being in a super fun moment - anyway - many of my tattoos have some deep meaning - does the meaning surpass my attraction to the image or the concept - probably not - but its there - anyway - enjoy your tattoo
  20. agreed - by all means get more ink - but yeah i think that piece stands alone nicely - thats the beauty of tattoos - i dont know much about harry potter (though the HP attractions in universal are quite awesome) - but i can appreciate the visual impact of your tattoo without knowing a thing about your motivations for said tattoo
  21. why add to it? i like it - who cares what people assume it to represent - thats the story of most tattoos - I have a Pharoahs Horses tattoo and once had a coworker start to lecture me about the horrors of horse racing - shes a nutjob tho :)
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