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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. below is boltz from last fall - awesome time with steve - loved that shop - cant wait to get back for another from the smith street crew
  2. i couldnt find anything really either i doubt i will seek it out but you never know
  3. good points to think about man we'll see what happens
  4. oh hell yeah gonna be fun tatt or no tatt
  5. yes so if i did get something it wouldprobably be a last night deal water play done summer is still not ideal fot tatts no doubt but meh some smaller flash type of deal just wondering if there is quality shops there
  6. going to the bahamas this summer with just the adults :) so of course i start thinking tattoos good idea? bad idea? fun idea :) been tattooed in the summer before sucks but anyways... thoughts and recs folks... @Joe Shit help me sir
  7. aint that the truth its funny though mostpeople assume I have no more space I'm thinking like are you kidding all i see is the empty spaces :)
  8. i have never been to a convention so I hesitate to give advice here but i think I'd prefer to leave mine behind (13,10,8) really for selfish reasons I'd think they would get bored and just become total buzzkills which would be a major buzzkill if i was getting tattooed or had traveled far to get there anyway but sometimes they suprise ya so....
  9. OP dont overthink it life gets in the way of tattoos sometimes and then it goes on so go with your gut here and then dont look back
  10. @pidjones cmon man you're not stopping how about some good old american traditional on the topic in general i dont see myself ever seeking out the touchups each tattoo special time special place the aged lived in look marks that does the touch up take away that magic its up to the individual of course but i wonder about that i kinda dig blastover a bit but i kinda would expect to be completely covered to consider that just get more cool tatts @pidjones!
  11. interesting point i have felt conflicted at times about this type of thing too i feel luckyin that i have really enjoyed the people i get tattooed by everyone of them and so sometimes its the battle of wanting to collect from from new people at new shops versus wanting to go back to get tattooed again from a previous tattooer the problem is further compounded as you continue to collect from more tattooers anyway its not a problem in any real sense. of the word just something i think about
  12. me too - wondering if anyone getting in on 4/13? be fun to meet an LSTer
  13. off to a good start i think the advice you will get is to talk to the tattooer(s) that are (or will) be tattooing you you might have some ideas too look on IG at tattoo styles / artists that you like get some discussion getting with the tattooers
  14. cool thread no? deserves some life support imo gonna answer these OP questions right hur... - Would you rather get the tattoos you want as quickly as possible, or wait and spread it out over a longer period of time? i'm in high gear - i started late (my late 30s) imo and i know i want alot of coverage right now (45 soon) i'm getting there - approaching 30 decent size pieces and i estimate i should be getting close to 100 hours of tattooing time after i get these next two pieces - Do you have a plan as to which areas you cover in which order? Saving the hands for last or getting the worst spots first, maybe getting the visible spots first and save back of the thighs for example? sort of - i have several types of tattoo 'lists' - one focuses of locations of future tattoos - i like to go for tough spots - i think the more painful the spot is almost adds something to the tattoo for me - i have very vivid recollections of my ribs being done - my six hour session on the ribs i think was more challenging than any marathon i have done yet just as rewarding - If you consider yourself a collector, do you keep areas of your body untouched for fantastic tattooers to appear say 20 years from now? well i don't think so I actually was diagnosed last year with a degenerative eye disease that may or may not blind me as i advance to the 'golden years' this actually reinforced my attitude of live for today baby - not in a let's not be responsible type of way - more of a go for those things you really want type of way - Anything else you would like to add or discuss its the most ridiculous and awesome hobby I ever thought I'd get hooked on but here i am trying to get lots of tatts and enjoying every minute of it
  15. i told a bank clerk exactly what i thought about my experience at their bank today it felt good slow week
  16. posted this in the 'upcoming' thread but worth posting twice :) i am in for 4/13 @ tattoo paradise in marlyand gonna pick from his flash basically so not sure where or what but it makes it that much more fun imo
  17. excited :) 2/21 Rob Ryan @ Electric in Asbury Park, NJ 4/13 Chad Koeplinger @ Tattoo Paradise in Wheaton, MD
  18. check out the true love series tho the guy hits like 10 northeast tattooers to do a sleeve one after the other heavy hitters in the traditional style too may give you some ideas the guys at smith all have styles that are similar and in that case a sleeve done by the four of them would probably look pretty awesome enjoy the process
  19. I almost think I would rather have tattoos from several different artists on a sleeve like that especially as the sleeve uses the negative space well you ever watch the true love tattoo series on youtube if you were coming my way i would point you to 2 shops electric in asbury nj and smith st in brooklyn ny
  20. could be location - give it a month - 6 weeks - all will be well
  21. yep - excited as well - I emailed him yesterday - I'm trying to get in for a Maryland date (mid April) - preferred to go to Electric (NJ) or Smith (NY) but I think I will be away during that time frame (mid July) - but I dont mind taking the drive plus I wanted to get to Tattoo Paradise anyway as I have never been - already been to Smith and have spent many hours at Electric - hope you get in for your Portland date - I think its pretty amazing what he is doing sounds exhausting even for a guy that spends so much time on the road
  22. i have had similar experiences and the tattoo ended up fine - my initial reaction is that its still weaping - correct term guys? - i wouldnt stress - just keep it clean but dont overly mess with it - i myself like to dry heal pretty much - i think you'll scab probably on this one - but in the end you should be good - my inner forearms were tougher heals btw - what makes it worse though is you'll be staring at it for a month - try not too :)
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