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Everything posted by LupeTheWolf

  1. Thanks guys! Love my tattoos and I've come up with a couple more already haha
  2. Thanks guys! I'm in Macomb and I go to B'z ink, my tattoo artist does some really good work! (Hence why I picked him lol) I'm into all sorts of styles I've just been getting the realistic ones first. My other half sleeve, and 4 other tats i have planned (undead horse, rat tat, snake and dagger, swallow) will be a neo traditional/traditional look.
  3. Thanks! I'm in love with my half sleeve, everything is just awesome and detailed about it down to the drool hanging from his mouth!
  4. 20 more days till I finish my wolf half sleeve! 38 more days till I start a new tattoo! (Both by my artist) And roughly 2 months till I get my Raven by Bob Tyrell!
  5. Hey there, I'm Ashley! I'm 19, from MI and work with a ton of exotic animals! I May have a slight obsession with tattoos! Ha! I'm new to the tattoo world. Got my first one in the beginning of June. It's a wolf paw with a black/silver wolf with the night sky and a moon inside! I needed another..so I got another! I started a black and grey half sleeve of a snarling wolf stepping over another wolves' skull! My next appointment is in the beginning of August to do the background to finish the half sleeve! Now, I already set up another appointment in the end of August for another! Not sure what to do yet, either something my artist drew up, a snake and dagger, or an undead horse. Well, I don't mean to toot my horn, but I'm suppose to be getting a Raven tattoo by Bob Tyrell in September as well..fantastic, huh?!
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