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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. Thanks for the pics @BrianH Yours are a seamless transition to the new work lower down. Your pics made me chat to my artist on the weekend and he is confident he can extend my 3/4 sleeves to full without no major problems or it looking out of place. Now the big decision do I want full sleeves. :) Cheers Jason.
  2. Haha yeah a fun place to heal. Got to love the week or so of hovering over the toilet. Plus tattooing in that area where ass meets legs is never fun.
  3. @BrianH I too wouldn't mind seeing close up pics when you get a chance. I am keen to see how they flow. I am in a similar conundrum with extending 3/4 to full. When I 1st had my sleeves done I had planned to do 1/2 sleeves but 2 weeks before we started the 1st I did a mercy dash to artist to change to 3/4. It was my 1st visible tattoo and I reasoned that what is the difference in someone seeing a tiny bit poking out of a t-shirt sleeve as opposed to seeing quite a bit of art. I choose 3/4 over full as I like the look and concept of the 3/4 size. I now however am struggling to choose between either capping the 3/4 off with mala beads or something similar or just going full sleeves. Decisions decisions. :)
  4. Opps my bad. However @jen7 good luck on the backpiece. Is a long process but the results are oh so awesome. I am maybe 3/4 of the way through mine and still after every session I love coming home and seeing the results. Plus you get to be a bit smug when you see someone so proud of a small single piece gloating about how much it hurt and how awesome it looks when you know you are hiding a true piece of art. :)
  5. Cork, maybe tacky was a bit too harsh a term to use. Initially when I started looking at the beads etc I wasn't a big fan and thought they looked just added on and not part of the original design but the more I start looking around and seeing good examples of them done, I am quickly starting to like the idea of adding them to my sleeves and starting to feel when done properly they almost finish off the sleeve. Once you do the beads might be hard to extend a 3/4 to full sleeve. :) Got to love a 180 degree back flip on thinking. I am not rushing into the idea and will keep looking as the back is the main concern at present however hopefully that won't be too long before it is finished.
  6. @jen7 I have to agree with @Mick Weder just shower as normal but don't linger and stay under the water for 2 hours. I am currently doing a backpiece and after every session when I get home I shower and wash all the crap off, I go fairly hard as there is Vaseline and blood etc. After that 1st wash I just shower as normal, 2x per day, maybe 5 minutes per shower. After that I let it dry heal with no cream etc. So far my results have been great. A few spots need a touch up but not bad for about 100 hours of tattooing. Cheers Jason.
  7. @deepsleep Welcome, good to see another Aussie on the board. Not enough of us. I can relate to alot of what you have said. I have had crappy/non-relevant work done when younger and have now had all 4 pieces laser lightened/removed to make way for Japanese style work. I currently now have done 2 x 3/4 sleeves + chest panels and about 3/4 of the way through my backpiece. The plan is to keep going and end up with a full suit. (well not quite full suit as I have 3/4 sleeves) :o I am also an electrician but have moved into a different area, A bit off topic but a great trade to have. I may not be a millionaire but I do have all the luxuries I want and can afford to have had all my 4 old tattoos laser removed, and my current new work done within 2 years. Cheers Jason.
  8. Resurrecting an old post but what does everyone think of the Mala/Rosemary beads to finish Japanese work? I am debating if I should finish both my 3/4 sleeves with those beads (or something similar) or leave the sleeves as is. I have already decided that if I do the beads on my sleeves than I will continue the theme on my chest. I am in 2 minds about the beads. 1 mind thinks they are tacky and reduces the impact of 3/4 sleeves finishing where they do. However my other mind likes the idea and gives me just that bit more coverage. :) I'd love to hear all of your thoughts. Cheers Jason.
  9. Thanks @Thailawson The artist is Kian Forreal based in Sydney. I went to him because I love the traditional look of his work. He has done both my sleeves, back and idiot me has already started the conversation with him about extending my 2 chest panels to a full front with Munewari. Definitely not looking forward to doing the front side. I think we are about 70-80 hours in so far. I have had 3 decent sized tattoos removed that were in the way of the backpiece, 2 on back and 1 on thigh. We have found that those areas have required often require a 2nd pass to get the colour saturation that he wants. I had seen Adam's work and he was on my list of maybes to start my decent new work but I really connected with Kian's style of work and plus he was only about a 4-5 hour car return trip from where I live as opposed to Adam was maybe a 16 hour return car trip. :) @SeeSea looking amazing, must be a good feeling to be finally finished such a long process. I am a recreational Scuba diver as well and I am looking forward to being finished with my back so I can go for a few dives again. With my sleeves, back and removal I have basically been out of the water for 2 years. Even though I am in talks on continuing my work I am definitely taking a break after my back is done. @Cork, Saw your finished pictures and it looks awesome. You too must be happy to be finished although I am sure you have plans for more. :) Cheers Jason.
  10. Bit of a long break from LST but I am still alive and slowly chipping away at my backpiece. Had a decent break from tattooing over xmas which was great but back to the grind now. The snake has taken quite a while but almost finished now. Each scale of the snake has 3-4 different shades of green so has chewed through some time.
  11. Can I ask nicely that you all stop posting awesome pics of Chest and Ribs tattoos? Please for my sake. The more cool pics I see of chest/front torso pieces it is slowly outweighing my pain threshold of doing my front. At some stage the pain vs awesome art point will be swapped and I will be doing my front. Not looking forward to it but as I have said in other post, the things we do for art. :)
  12. Thanks @Cork Very happy with how it turned out. I was a bit dubious about his call on the main tan/brown colour that he originally did, but this session he added a bit of yellow and it really goes well with the teal/blue and I love the combination. Is why I basically let Kian pick all the colours. I acknowledged early on with my sleeves to let him do what he thinks is right. He is the artist I am just the canvas. :) - - - Updated - - - I haven't even finished my back but am now looking at continuing my "suit" to the front which means ribs. Doing the back side of ribs sucked so I hate to think what all that work over the ribs is going to feel. To be honest has me thinking should I just stop after the backpiece and be happy with no more pain and enjoy what I have or keep going and work through the pain to get even more great art and get closer to the full suit. The F**king things we do for art. :)
  13. Did 4 more hours today. Was supposed to be a 6 hour session but due to circumstances on both mine and Kian's side we changed it to a 4. I am glad to say it is now time to re-commence my backpiece. For the last 2-3 months it has been all about things and butt etc etc. I had actually forgotten that I was doing a backpiece. :) I am quite tall so my butt and thighs is a substantial amount of area to tattoo. Today we have all but finished up that area and started colour on background elements further up. I love looking at the progress after every session but after starting colour on my "back" I realise I still have a long way to go.
  14. I know the feeling. My artist has been on holidays so I have enjoyed a month off of no tattooing. Almost forgot what it was like not having to deal with constant healing and shitty nights of little sleep. I often think about taking a few months off but then stupid me keeps booking the appointments. Over Christmas I am having a 5 week break from tattooing so will be looking forward to that, might be able to actually spend some time at the beach. My thoughts now are just get it done and then i can enjoy the art and the freedom of no healing and maybe more importantly not spending most of my "spare money" on fortnightly tattoo sessions. However even before I have finished my back I am thinking about designs for the next spot so who knows when I will be off this roller coaster ride. :)
  15. @Mush I have to agree 7 hours being tattooed is nothing to embarrassed about. 7 hours being tattooed constantly is a big effort. I have done a few 6 hour sessions on my work and that is more than enough even with a 1 hour break for lunch between the 2 x 3 hour sessions. Next week I have a 6 hour session on my backpiece and trust me I am not looking forward to it. :) The thing about back pieces is they take a F**king long time. But once done they are a thing of beauty. Cheers Jason.
  16. Mums or for our American friends MOMS is the word. :)
  17. @Mick Weder I love it, I thought I was the only one after a tattoo session would go home and have a few beers in the shower. Generally take 2 beers into the shower and drink both while caring/cleaning my new work. Nothing like having beers in the shower. :)
  18. @rads, Glad to offer the advice. :) If nothing else take from my advice, if you plan to have your current work removed. Get it started before you start your back. I wont bore you with the time frame of my backpiece but once or twice my ongoing removal of old pieces on my back got in the way of new work. Plus tattooing over relatively new lasered works hurts just that little bit more. My suggestion is if you want your old work removed, get it done now. Give your skin a few months to recover and then start that backpiece. :) Cheers Jason.
  19. I have to agree with @kzv20 don't over think the design and let the artist do his job. Although I know what it is like keep looking and find every fault in it. My 1st big piece I did the same but now I see it for what it is. A great piece of art. Nice work btw who is the artist?
  20. @MrToby looking good great to see some more progress. @rads, why not go in and see your artist now and start getting some ideas going on. Gives both you and the artist some time to think about it. If you are serious about doing a backpiece, I doubt the artist will see it as a waste of time. Most importantly I would chat about the existing work on your back. If you deciede it needs to go you can start on laser removal now and be ready to start the back. I had quite large pieces lightened on my back prior and I started the lasering well before we started my back. Now even I struggle to see any traces of them. :) As for doing the back it is a long process but they outcome is amazing. I still have along way to go on mine but after every session I cant wait till the next to get more work done.
  21. Thanks @misterJ I have basically let Kian (Artist) pick all of the colours. I understood quite a while ago doing my sleeves that my idea of colours and what I think would look nice generally hasn't been quite right. My thoughts are I have trusted him to do this art on my body so his call on colours I will go with. He hasn't let me down yet. :)
  22. The main progress of this weeks session. Is great to see some more colour. Background is now done and it is all colour from now on. :)
  23. You just have to love this thread. I don't come here as often as I should, but whenever I am over the constant sessions of getting work and think about taking a break I come here and have a look at all the progress everyone is making and I keep booking those fortnightly sessions. :)
  24. Both looking awesome @misterJ and @Graeme. Love tigers in Japanese art and they make such a great center piece for a huge backpiece. Sometimes I wish i had 4 backs so I could do a different theme on each. :) No wait I am glad I don't have 4 backs, not sure I could do it 4 times. Another session today and I can safely say we have now started colour. :) The severed head now is finished. Jason.
  25. Looking good both @MrToby and @SeeSea glad to see I am not the only one chipping away at backpiece sessions. Had another 3 hour session on mine last week and we reached 2 seperate goals. 1. I think we have now finally finished background shading. A few tiny spots that need touching up but on the whole the background is done. I have worked out in the course of my job I do quite a bit of driving, the few spots that need touching up are basically where the seatbelt rubs. Who would have thought being safe in a car can be so bad. :) 2. The last of my original 4 (crappier) tattoos have now been covered with much better art. I know there are mixed feelings about covering previous work etc but 3 of the 4 were basically flash pieces off the wall and had no meaning to me at all. The 4th I wasn't happy covering but it was a decent sized piece in the way of doing my backpiece. It was sacrificed for the greater good :( . The 1st of these were done nearly 20 years ago and I like to think if forums such as LST and in general the www were around I would have probably made a more informed decision back then and probably not just picked flash off the wall. Showing my age now but using Lynx and Gopher just wasn't quite the same experience back then as the internet is today. :)
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