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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. 195 new sex-related charges for tattoo artist | 6abc.com Ugh.
  2. I've spent a little time in Boone; family down that way. Welcome to LST!
  3. I still can't get fucking THEY LIVE to play. I give up.
  4. Whatever you do, don't accidentally watch the remake. It's atrocious.
  5. "I think this is one area where tattooers would rather remain in the alleys about. As in we are doing fine with the amount of regulating there is now. Eff inviting politicians into our thing anymore than they've already invited themselves" While I agree with what you're saying in theory, Julio... it's not very realistic. I'm sure it is something that tattooers would rather remain in the alley about; but due to the overexposure AND oversaturation of readily available tattoo related products as well as the commercialization of tattooing broadcast daily on several cable networks, it's something that's going to happen either way. The question isn't IF it will happen, it's who they'll look to for advice WHEN it happens.
  6. Awesome! I've wanted one since I saw the original 'The Wicker Man' but for some reason it's taken me forever to get one.
  7. I picked an appointment for two weeks to fit my schedule- I think he had something earlier that didn't work. So... around two weeks give or take. I got a hand of glory/mandrake.
  8. When you had a few guys you could trust, and a buncha guys that you knew to avoid... I would have said that the FDA needs to keep their snouts out of it. But when you have so many people flooding the market (which now includes eBay and Amazon) with pigment that you've never heard of it's natural that the Feds will react. I'm not sure that it's a bad thing.
  9. I certainly hope Robert owns that loft. http://musicofthesphere.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/higgs0911_05.jpg
  10. I spent a few hours with Robert Ryan today adding to my leg. Such a pleasure to be tattooed by; it was my first time getting worked on by him and I was incredibly pleased with the experience.
  11. I'm sorta pissed; I've had THEY LIVE in my instant queue for about a week now, and every time I attempt to play it, I get an error from Netflix saying that it can't connect to the server. I've rebooted my system (streaming) to clear the cache, but it still gives me the error. I posted on Facebook to see if my friends could stream it- 100% could. I'm the only one who seems to be having problems. Phooey!
  12. I transferred over some great Lyle Tuttle footage yesterday but found the audio unsynched when I tried to edit it. Have to recapture everything and see if I can get the synching issue fixed; maybe while recuperating from getting tattooed on Monday.
  13. That's REPULSIVE. Tattoo shop in a nudie store? I'm outraged. Can you get me the address of that place so I can go tell them how upset I am? And do they have peep booths?
  14. Someone was circulating a link on my facebook thread for a Chinese place in philly- It's called HAN DYNASTY, so the URL is handynasty.net Handy. Nasty. It was a funny little joke until I read the menu. Everything looked amazing. Claire (my girlfriend) and I headed there last night and it was well worth the goofy web address. Best non-delivery Chinese I've had in years.
  15. ShawnPorter

    i hate my job.

    Haha. I make sausage with 40% fat content, eat foie gras as a snack and have a girlfriend who is an amazing baker but doesnt eat her cupcakes/brownies/etc- I've lost weight cause I bike to work, walk up/down four flights of stairs dozens of times a day, etc. Plus not hating myself helps.
  16. ShawnPorter

    i hate my job.

    I worked at Amazon.com for 9 years. I was paid handsomely, but I HATED myself. I woke up every morning literally dreading the day. I had an ulcer. I'd throw my resume out there and get bites, then I'd realize I was three months away from another round of stocks vesting, so I'd hold off. Time would pass and I'd throw my resume out there, get a few bites, and realize I had Saturday Sunday and Monday off and the potential jobs had me working all weekend. In short, I was a professional at making excuses on why I shouldn't move on. I allowed Amazon (which I need to say for the record is truly an evil company to work for) to bash my self-esteem. I allowed it to creep in to my personal life, dragging that misery around like an albatross. I would still be there if things hadn't happened suddenly on another front, allowing me to move on. I've lost 20lbs since I moved on. My ulcer is gone. I work weekends, and I work for less money. But I'm THRILLED with life these days.
  17. I saw Robert Ryan yesterday. He was wearing a denim shirt. I'm going to have to remind him that if he trends into wearing a red beanie hat, we'll all be making fun of him here.
  18. I can see that. Luckily he's stuck with music, which has no creepy hero worship factor. :D
  19. I can wear a Hawaiian shirt and change my named to Sailor Shawn to add grit and character to my persona. Black shirts are for squares!
  20. I just sort of slap it all together. I was never going for a cohesive bodysuit, so it all just sort of blends.
  21. Not sure if anyone has posted these.... but uber creepy. Alex Pardee: The Free At-Home Version Of STEVE BUSCEMI'S EYES! Chicks With Steve Buscemeyes
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