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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Not at all man, I just forget to do it! I just got 'Tattoo Zeke- His life and time' the other day, so expect more good stuff soon!
  2. Getting tattooed by Scott Harrison was an absolute pleasure.
  3. I swung by the VBS offices the other day and they were editing the Rubendall episodes. I had figured everything was already edited, but apparently not.
  4. I ended up at the 'Tattoo the World' release last night in NYC. I've commented a few times on other social networking posts, but... it's surreal to be the most visibly tattooed person at an Ed Hardy event. They had some of his art on display but no copies of the film. Which was weird for a release event!
  5. He seems to really ride that celebrity thing; pics on his blog of him and celebs and whatnot. Seems to the polar opposite of O'Donnell.
  6. My fiance wears onesies. Her friend likes them.
  7. ShawnPorter


    There's an Atomic in Largo now? Jeepers. How many shops are in the chain now? And welcome to LST!
  8. The problem with being a ball breaker is you have to be willing to have your balls broken.
  9. I grew up on a cattle farm and orange grove. I worked with chemicals all the time; while you'd wear a mask, I'm sure some of the pesticides and herbicides I used absorbed into my skin. I was once sprayed with Malathion poison while tending my grove- airplane flew over me and sprayed for fruit flies and I got soaked in it. Here in Philly, my drinking water tastes funny. I breath in second hand smoke, carbon monoxide emissions, etc. Tattoos may cause me cancer, but so will being alive.
  10. Otherwise it's a good episode. His work is amazing, the shop looks like a good fun time and I liked the upbeat goofy music. The guys at Vice are really doing it up.
  11. There's a name for people who do weird or silly things to be ironic. I can't quite remember it right now, but I think it's hipster.
  12. I'm going to be the one who says it: Cowboy shirt, skinny jeans and walking around carrying a horn on his belt? There's a word for that and it sounds like hipster :D
  13. Scott's a damn nice guy; we had a chat about a fairly obscure subject back in 99 or 2000, and when I emailed him about the appointment he told me that my name sounded familiar, so he googled me; then, realizing he knew me, referenced the conversation from 11 years ago. Good people. I'll ask him if he's working anywhere in Portland.
  14. Changed: my girlfriend is now my fiancé. The plans to purchase another human being is still on hold.
  15. Heh. Instead I'll spend the money on fancy charcuterie!
  16. Thanks. Wedding isn't until next October, but... these things take planning.
  17. Scott named one of his pieces 'New Shit Has Come To Light". If I weren't paying for a wedding, I'd buy that just for the Lebowsky title.
  18. I've been in several relationships with untattooed partners. I don't seek out tattooed partners, but due to my social circles, that's just how things tend to work out. Plus, tattooed chicks do ana.... err. Wrong thread. One of my untattooed girlfriends had Dave Bruehl do a sleeve for her first tattoo. My fiance (oh hey, I got engaged last week) has no tattoos but is talking large Thomas Hooper tattooing for her first tattoo. I honestly rarely give it any thought.
  19. I'd recommend Skip at 1601 in Ybor personally; and by reputation Phil Holt at RedLetter1
  20. I just can't understand why anyone would care. Honestly. And if they DO care... I've got an ass for them to bite.
  21. Funny thing about David- He went to SCAD with Adam Hathorn (Honkeykong) from Guru Andrew Johnson-Lalley from Body Graphics. So weird that within a year of each other they all attended the same school and all became tattooers.
  22. I've been getting tattooed more in 2011 than I did in the previous few years and after the Robert Ryan/Deno weekend, followed closely by the Thomas Hooper finger jawn... I had said no more tattoos in 2011. Take a breather. Slow my roll. So yeah. Appointment booked with Scott Harrison on 12th September. Fun!
  23. One of my bar customers has a back yard full of truffles. Golf ball sized truffles. I've demanded he bring a few into the bar. This is going to be excessive.
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