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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Not only the tattoo, but everyone who HAS the St. Peter's cross on their face.
  2. It's on! Im particularly obsessed with 'Big' John Barry, the Father of the American Navy. He's laid to rest here in Philly and was a goddamn COOL part of local history.
  3. I'm in love with Philadelphia and, as I have oodles of free time on my hands, tend to wander around a lot discovering new parts of the city. My walking tour is legendary; out of towners are subjected to it every new visit.
  4. I was guilty of tattoo snobbery a few months ago. I rarely take the bus, but it was rainy and I didn't want to bike, so I'm heading north and this old timer starts chatting me up about my tattoos. I was brisk, answering but not being overtly chatty. Turns out he had work from Crazy (Philadelphia) Eddie and Jack Dracula. We ended up bullshitting, and by the time I realized I should be taking pics, it was my stop. I hope I see him again, and it's a lesson to not be so much of a prick, which I tend to be.
  5. Very cool man. I put a redirect up on Occult Vibrations, hope you don't mind!
  6. Someone asked me today why I got my tattoos. I said "because Stewart Robson was drunk". That confused them and I made a run for it.
  7. Someone asked me today why I got my tattoos. I said "because Stewart Robson was drunk". That confused them and I made a run for it.
  8. I need to make sure my NYC friend got the tickets- this is a good reminder!
  9. I have, yes. I corresponded with him briefly years and years ago, and when I met him at the screening introduced myself and we talked for a few mins. Language barrier aside, he was incredibly nice. Kenneth Anger (met the same night) was a chaotic ball of mischievous energy; a nice balance between the two.
  10. Did I ever mention that Jodorowsky(Holy Mountain) is my favorite filmmaker? He's going to be in NYC on Halloween, going to go up and see him and Holy Mountain (which I saw with him theatrically once already!) Very excited.
  11. You were taking your stomach like a champ when I was up there. If it were me, there would have been a lot of crying.
  12. Right on! Good luck man. David is a genuine dude and dang fun to get tattooed by.
  13. Thanks man. It's so awesome that some dude copied it on his own palm :D
  14. Fingers- The next day I think? I just couldn't break very well :D Palms- I was back at my computer job the next day but I wasn't biking then.
  15. believe it or not, a lot of people don't notice my palms/fingers.
  16. I ended up at Whole Foods tonight and bought a bunch of different truffle cheese; a tart goat with truffles, a Pecorino romano with truffles and a super pungent pork salami with... yeah... truffles. Let the charcuterie commence. (that Im eating them in the basement of a bar isn't lost on me)
  17. Tattoo Zeke featuring Daniel Higgs « Occult Vibrations Excerpt from Tattoo Zeke featuring Daniel Higgs.
  18. I'm hoping for stress free, too!

    Other than my best man, all my groomsmen are groomsladies, so I've got one that wants to wear a suit and two that want to wear dresses. The stress has begun!

  19. Here's a big ol Dragon Ed painted. It was one of like... four, five pieces at the Tattoo the World event.
  20. Amazon is the goddamned devil (which I'll say every/any time anyone mentions amazon!). You can get the digital download on itunes, too.
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