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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. to clarify, of course... When I said 'Russian Prison tattoos on non scary Russian Mobsters' I had a lapse in grammar. What I meant was on skinny hipsters.
  2. They always did right by me, but never really respected the 'no smoking' signs.
  3. Joking aside, we have a pretty active Russian Mob in Philly; north of the city proper, but there's a lot of Russian and Russian Jewish organized crime here. When I used to work for a porn company we dealt with them; some of their bruisers were nothing to f' with. Big fellas.
  4. We need to make a female tattooer name generator. I'll be Shawny Daggers.
  5. So here's my amended list: 1. Palms 2. Lil Wayne Style face junk 3. Larger scale Russian Prison work on non Scary Russian Mobsters 4. Female tattooists taking on dumb "professional names" blurring the tattoo artist/suicide girl line.
  6. has anyone said larger scale Russian Prison work? I've been seeing a lot of it on my tumblr feed. In between the literally stupefying amount of porn I follow.
  7. Oh yeah; when you're comparing Shane O'neil with... B-tat... somewhere someone had to look at their portfolios and say "wow. B-tat's work looks like it was done by an epileptic colorblind koala bear with one eye missing*". The only reason he was allowed on was as a sacrificial lamb. *With one eye, the colorblind koala wouldn't have any depth perception. Thats why.. .you know... he doesn't have RAW TALENT. I'm Shawn, and I'm not here to make any friends. That's my opinion.
  8. I just watched Ep1. You're right.... "raw talent" and Nunez's "thats my opinion" are going to get old.
  9. Regardless of the topic, why must every reality show have some douche who says "I didn't come here to make friends". I'm going to go on a show. I'm going to say "I totally came here to make a bunch of friends, hopefully have sex with someone, and maybe just maybe not look like a big ol' douche on tv."
  10. I had a pretty large tattoo (five hours) done on my leg when I was sixteen. The artist (a talented guy from Chicago) knew I had a few smaller pieces and after talking to me for a few months (via letters in the pre internet glory days) was comfortable with doing a large piece on me. My parents had signed for my first tattoo and were ok with me getting larger work. Would I have the same thing done today? Probably not. But do-overs aren't really my style. That said, the piece is very sci-fi oriented and I'm still a dorky scifi loving manchild, so it all works out pleasantly. My fiance and I don't plan to procreate; we're content with Italian Greyhounds who'll never be tattooed... so I guess I don't really have much of an opinion either way.
  11. When I go off on my pro-Martha tangents, I think people assume I'm kidding. But oh golly... she's a heck of a looker.
  12. [email protected] Is it sad that I want Richard to come through Philly, not to get tattooed, but so I can shit talk strangers with you?
  13. Next time y'all come through Philly... it's on. We can call strangers 'Sandwich Hands' and tell them they smell like taco meat.
  14. Wiki seems to think he was born on the 12th. Anyone? Scratch that. He passed away on the 12th, June. My bad.
  15. I'll make sure to include a squidpants drawing with your shirt.
  16. I'm doing one for the philly tattoo convention.... more specifically Lincoln's birthday. Probably on a grey shirt. Art by Rick Lohm of Halo.
  17. Bad movies. Good movies get you engaged. Bad movies make you want to sleep just to avoid them.
  18. ShawnPorter


    I started posting before I read the forum, because I'm a narcissist who's all about himself. But it's a fun place to hang out! :D
  19. I was sort of let down by 'Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy'. Great cast, but it was just too long and there weren't any real highlights aside from the performances, which while being slam dunks do not a full movie make.
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