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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Certain boobs always make me feel better, and Mamma I could use a hug. <3 <3

  2. Whenever I feel down, I remind myself "fuck. At least Im not Shane McGowan". Cheers me right up.
  3. " But, I suppose, it really wasn't stupid at all when you were having fun." That's a line to remember man. Sorry about your friend.
  4. I would argue that it's not random, Petri. As for Cleen being in here to defend himself- not that a defense is needed- that's the line you cross when you step into the 'public persona' realm. If you're going to be producing videos about yourself or charging $500/hr, you step away from just being someone who's part of a weird little community (tattooers/tattooed) and try to make yourself into a brand. When that happens.... alls fair. We're certainly still going to make fun of Ed Hardy clothing (despite loving Ed) even though he's not here to defend himself. That said, as a social critic I charge $500/hr. Ya'all need to pay up :D
  5. I'm going to politely disagree, Stefan- If we can say that 'Tattooers are artists who can charge $500 an hour" than we can be art critics and say "Chris Cleen's stuff isn't nearly as nice". I think his stuff is derivative and muddy. I'm sure he's a perfectly nice guy. But you don't get to fly the banner of 'artist' if you don't want to have your stuff reviewed by the buying public.
  6. Exactly. There's "is it worth it" and "is it worth it for me". For me- nah. Not really. Conn's stuff is super clean and I love looking at it, but has never struck me as someone I'd get tattooed by. Even if his rate was $200 instead of $500. Conversely, if Robert Ryan called me up and said he raised his rates to $500/hr.... I'd just save up and work with that as my budget because getting tattooed by Robert resonates with me and would qualify as 'worth it'.
  7. Drive just hit streaming. Took me a while to warm up to it, but I totally get it now.
  8. I have Baphomet on my left hand. Big ol Baphomet head. And I have a Lamb of God on my right. Got the lamb first then the Goat. I didn't really think "oh, that might offend people". I thought man, Goat Gods are rad.
  9. I don't know where he works, but I know his secret real name. that's something :D
  10. David is one of my favorite people, and he happens to also be one of my favorite tattooers. He'll be moving to Tampa, like other folks here said, in June and is well worth checking out. My buddy Skip Sampson tattoos in Tamp, but for the life of me I can't remember where Skip works. It's been a long time since I've been to Florida and shop names change down there pretty frequently.
  11. My appointment with Robert isn't until May 28th. I was cool with that, but watching Oliver and Dave Fox tattoo the other night got me thinking "man, I need a little filler"...
  12. I ended up missing them; lot of friends were hanging out and we ended up talking more than listening.
  13. the Lucero show was one of the best nights out I've had in ages. Even though I'm a square. :D
  14. I'm making panko crusted turtle tonight. I've always southern fried it, so this is going to be interesting.
  15. I think when you know a lot of tattooed folks, like most of us do, it becomes a harder question to answer. Why are so many tattooed people vegans is as relevant a question as why do so many tattooed people like bbq..... the pool of 'tattooed' people end up crossing over into so many different things that it's all skewed.
  16. Deer Tick just got added to the bill.
  17. I'm seeing them this coming Sunday. It'll be my first time seeing them live, should be memorable.
  18. Sleeping Beauty: Anyone who says that they haven't been waiting to see Emily Browning naked is lying. Gay men have told me they watched it just to see her naked. The movie is boring, but... Emily Browning Naked. Rango: I think it's still on there. Totally cute. Rare Exports: Finally!
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