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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Look forward to FIVE DeVita episodes then. They're going long for Thom.
  2. I'll say this- One of the artists who screwed up the American flag tattoo... copied it from Old School flash. Not directly, I don't think. But the whole 'red touching the blue' was in the flash he copied. He pleaded his case with the judges and they condensed it down on the show to him shrugging his shoulders. As much as I hate the show, realize the ultimately it's the editor/producer's job to build drama and tension. Why have him explain that he used a reference when you can show him HATIN' 'MERICA!
  3. They'll be booked solid. Yeah what he said was douchey, but he said it ON THE TV. That'll guarantee him some appointments.
  4. Can't make Richmond this year, mamma. But if ya'all end up driving through Philly.... your butt knows my number!
  5. Like I said in the OV writeup- at LEAST the Inked shows- scripted reality or not- feature mostly decent (not stellar. decent) tattooers doing ok tattoos. Ink Master gets people who they think will be dynamic on a game show. No one is looking at Al Fliction or Kay Kutta to do good TATTOOS- they're looking for a good reality show villain. And people are walking away with bad tattoos because of it. I don't care how nice Navarro is (my NYC friends who interact with him defend him nonstop- I think it's starfuckery... "he's so nice to us!") they're ALLOWING BAD TATTOOING TO HAPPEN FOR RATINGS.
  6. I fared ok in South Philly. No power outages/broken windows/flooding. Last night I got stir crazy and took a bike ride. In the Hurricane. To the protests of my friends, family and loved ones. I wore a helmet and goggles at least. The wind was incredible. Discovered that it took out the IKEA sign a few blocks away. Crazy.
  7. I can't stop myself. I watch it every week and just rage afterwards. Can't help it.
  8. See... I wouldn't think they had an army of lawyers- I think no one really thinks about it. Tattoo copyright is a newer concept so I think it's something that probably never crossed their minds. Even though Lady Face Navarro has been getting tattooed longer than most people on the show have been tattooing, and that DOES make him an expert.
  9. I think that there's a lot of subjectivity sometimes; but this seems more like tracing than 'elements that are similar'. He emailed Kristel and admitted that he googled new school phoenix and that it must have 'subconsciously influenced him'. she posted last night that she was talking to Dave Navarro, so Im assuming that Spike will throw a little $$ at her ... so maybe the good guys will win and next season they'll ban google? :D
  10. Swatches. I've got a problem with Swatches.
  11. The strange thing is I don't even have a Pushead tattoo. I keep thinking about getting a Butcher Boy.
  12. Keep in mind that this forum is searchable by the public. I just typed "Jennifer Stell Ink Master" into google, and your post- the one I'm responding to now- came up on top in the pubic searches. I kind of don't like that LST isn't locked down from search engines, but... When do I see ya'll again? I'll make it all go away by telling you what I call Navarro. That'll make you happy.
  13. My Pushead Addiction I collect Pushead stuffs, here and there :D - - - Updated - - - Though this thread may be more appropriate for the Random Crap section
  14. Was that directed to me? I'm all about people taking about piercings. Or movies. Or cooking. If that was directed to me I'm not sure I get it. If it wasn't.... Agreed.
  15. Because people want to posture about how crusty and old school they are? I have a friend who's main source of income is suturing up the huge stretched lobe piercings on tattooers who want to talk shit about piercing.
  16. Different Patrick. I forget his name on here. Haha. Sorry duder. This fella was handpainted by Pushead.
  17. I ended up running out of time; had an AMAZING time. Pushead picked me as #1 in line (and my buddy Patrick from here on LST was there, too! Scored some nice toys himself) so I was in geek OVERLOAD!
  18. It's been a while since I've captured/edited anything, to be honest. I have some more Royboy stuff lined up here soon!
  19. Slayer- I have a four day pass and I'm only using it for Saturday. If you want it for Sunday, it's all yours once I leave. It's a good convention, but I'm just there to blow a month's mortgage on a single toy. :D
  20. Aspects of my life have been memorable that's for sure. And yeah, over a few drinks (well, I drink water, but still..) I'll spill the beans. And I haven't worked on it since December! Chad is hard to pin down.
  21. I've seen and done things that once made a Hells Angel say "Shawn, that shit is fucked up".
  22. You realize when you're wearing pants, you're wearing SQUID PANTS, right? Welcome to LST.
  23. A really rad personal trainer here in Philly who is also (very heavily) tattooed just wrote a nice piece on fitness for tattoo artists for OV- We're shooting video for it tomorrow. Really rad; goes well with the piece @DavidBruehl wrote on tattoo nutrition.
  24. I helped build most of the 'icky' parts of BME. Just so you know.
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