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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. Forward by Mike Wilson? When did Wilson learn to read? :D
  2. Oh. Im at 183# now. My low was 178, but building muscle has added weight. I eat mostly lean proteins and a LOT of cruciferous greens, peanut butter or spinach as treats. Lots of eggs, sardines, low sodium jerky. Once a week I treat myself to a sprite (gave up caffeine) and popcorn at the movies.
  3. Less than a year ago I was a passionate, immobile foodie who weighted almost 240 # and who never exercised. I took a great amount of pride in my belly. Still don't think there was anything wrong with that, but once the fitness bug bit me... it bit hard. My base caloric intake for the day is 1700. I usually average between 2500-2700 depending on how much exercise I do. I start every day with a bike ride. Rain, snow, heat... doesn't matter. I usually do 10-20 miles as a warmup before the gym. At the gym I do stretching for a little bit, then 30m-1hr on the elliptical. Depends on the day. That's mainly to tone not so much for aggressive cardio. After that I run a 3k on the treadmill. I alternate between arms and abs/core ever other day, with a free weight/machine workout depending on the day. I cool down (metaphorically) in the sauna, sweating it all out. Once a week I add a spinning class on top of all that, and twice a week I work back/chest. I take a men's multi vitamin, 1000mg of Vit C, garlic and fish oil capsules and a B complex every day. One of my bartenders has a boyfriend who teaches yoga, so I might take his beginners class soon. And I still occasionally have foie gras!
  4. @sboyer and his partner are about to drop another book via their Yellow Beak Press label- Born Weird. I figure he's been so damned busy working on it that he's forgotten to start a thread. Since I'm super excited about it, I'll jump in and start one up- hope you don't mind, Scott? I've been pretty vocal about my love for Higgs, Dave Lum and Scott Harrison's work in the 1990s- that "American Weirdo" style that Hardy talked about in Tattoo Time V. It really influenced how I got tattooed more than just about any other 'school' of tattooing save esoteric/occult stuff. I think it's fair to say that Weirdo stuff led me to where I am now. I just put a few teaser images up from the book on Occult Vibrations, and... it's just weird. So weird. Almost (blissfully) untattooably weird. It's going to be like the Zeis book- first 200 (of 2000) copies gets a watercolor print. I'm really geeked about this one. Were you BORN WEIRD? « Occult Vibrations
  5. I never saw any of the 'tattooed prints'... next time you have it out, would you consider snapping a picture? - - - Updated - - - I remember wanting to buy the deluxe version when it came out, but I was young and poor. Hah.
  6. It's a great little book; damned glad I bought it at retail. $129? Yikes.
  7. http://mypusheadaddiction.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/p1020173.jpg Pus and I, October.
  8. next time ya'all are close, I'll bust ass to be able to see you. And your butt has my phone number.
  9. I'm looking to set up dinner and bullshitting with you, Jen. Let's work on that in '13.
  10. The only thing that looks better in person than an Andy Perez tatttoo is Andy Perez himself. Hide yo wives, hide yo kids.
  11. I couldn't get off work, so I sent my sister and brother in law (both have lots of work from O'Donnell, and just started getting worked on by Hooper) to 'cover' it for OV- if anyone takes pics and feels like sharing, I'd love to have multiple 'views' for Occult Vibrations!
  12. I wanted that on your back so bad... just so I could say "oh, Owl be back".
  13. That was the inspiration, @hogg that and Lovecraft.
  14. David finally colored in the outlines on my ribs. There's still a background to get done, but.... not bad for one sitting of color. - - - Updated - - - PS: I blurred out his tallywhacker for our more sensitive viewers.
  15. hah. Protein bars and water, my friend. Clean living. I was good until we started outlining (the outlines of the Monk were already there, it was just a color session until we finished the main part and decided on the halo) near the armpit. By that point I was hitting a wall. Still... finished it up. Until we work on the background. I DID take my glaucoma medicine once I left the shop, so that helped a bit. ;D
  16. By the by- David did around six hours on my ribs on Tuesday, and we used Nibble and Sip; Maybe its an overall improvement because of fitness/diet changes, or maybe its because of N&S, but... there was a noticeable difference in my tolerance over the last time I had my ribs worked on.
  17. It tends to be feast or famine, man. With SO many goddamned tattooers working....
  18. Aww. Shucks. I just do it to get laid. And to hopefully eventually sell out. Sorry about the lack of new videos. I need a new laptop :(
  19. I'll be there for a day, most likely only for a few hours. the convention is HUGE. Far too many people and I find it a bit overwhelming. But I'll be in the city if anyone wants to meet up.
  20. Sort of off topic, but I'm not sure if there's a gym/workout thread or just the lifting one... Occupational Fitness for Tattooers « Occult Vibrations
  21. I think I've mentioned this before, but I heard from an artist on Season two about how heavily edited they were. You shoot tons of footage and use the best of the worst to 'create a show' that has 'villains' and drama and tension. You're also coached on things to say. You look like a giant ass on tv, but... after the show airs... you find your appointment book is a little fuller, even though you looked like a giant ass on tv. Turning a culture into a commodity isn't new, its just affecting us a little closer to the chest because... well.. it's us. We had to bleed for these damned things. We had to get stared at in line at the bank. We have to answer the litany of dumb questions on a daily basis... "why yes ma'am, it did hurt" and "yes, I AM tattooed other places... wait, we mean my dick, right?"... Im kind of biased though... I grew up on Royboy videos. Tattooers hated them, too, but.... damn they were fun. I should mention that a tattooer friend asked me to write some Inkmaster erotic fan fiction that he's going to illustrate and we're going to accidentally leave at tattoo conventions the 'stars' are at. If he ever finishes the first chapter I'll write more. Kay Kutta and Sarah Miller are in it. "Penetrated by more than your needles" comes up a lot. Because we think it's ok to make fun of people we don't know. People who may be genuinely nice. Because we're children. :D
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