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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. I never did. Big regret there as I had no excuses why I couldn't have gotten tattooed by him. Just always assumed I'd get around to it, then it was to late.
  2. It's not so much a love for Iron Chefs as it is that their properties seem to last in Philly. There are a lot of great startups that usually open and close before they can get a following. :( Oh yeah. I have a passion for foie too- It was on sale for $19/lb a few months ago, so my freezer is stocked! And one of my friends (to bring this back around to Iron Chef) works for Morimoto; she texted me the other night cause he came in to the NYC restaurant and showed them how to make foie gras butter. My heart stopped, both calorically and foodgeekery.
  3. At the time I was a weird comic book reading horror and scifi nerd (so, pretty much no change) who would just slap stuff together- "I want a black panther, but he's an incarnation of St. Sebastian... oh, and don't make him growl, cause he's a fraidy cat" could easily get you a dead silent stare in 1990. I eventually got that in 2000 from Hoffman. it took me a while to hit my stride with getting what I want, but now I just sort of ramble on until my artist of choice says "I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but lets nail it".
  4. ShawnPorter


    There was a picture there, I swear. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/181544_1819362091312_1457949407_31954203_3630965_n.jpg
  5. Philadelphia: Morimoto- It used to be better. That's a weird way to start a recommendation for a restaurant. When he actually worked there the quality just seemed better. Like there was more at stake. But it's still really good. Chifa- I've only been there once. Owned by Chef Jose Garcia. We went during "duck week" for a prefix $55 dinner. Smaller portions led to excessive portions, all highlighting duck. Ended with a foie gras icecream with bits of crispy duck skin! PYT- Some of the best burgers in Philadelphia. Fogo de Chao- It's a chain, but well worth a visit for the carnivores. Garcia's Trading Company- Another Jose Garcia property. The warm vichyssoise soup with bacon, truffles and scallops is my favorite. Philly is a weird food city- we're a "big fish in a small pond" town with Garcia and Stephen Starr competing to own every nicer restaurant in town. It sort of takes the fun out of it. But we have amazing foodie markets/stores to make up for it: Di'Angelo Brothers: Butcher shop. You can get exotic meat hand butchered. Sonny has worked there all of his life and can usually handcut a piece of meat within an ounce just by sight. He also does homecured wild boar proscuitto and housemade pate that are to die for. Di Brunos: Best cheesemongers in the city. Zeke, Ian and the boys can guide you to cheese and charcuterie that will pair with anything. It's a "by foodies for foodies" cheese/meat shop. They often shop out to local restaurants for specialty items- I picked up porcetta di testa there that was made locally.
  6. When Josh Hoffman was doing my arm at Olde City, they used to BLAST the worst loud aggressive black metal imaginable. You're getting the ditch of your arm tattooed and you're wishing to god they'd just play some fucking Smiths or Magnetic Fields. But no. You've got another two hours of Norwegian Black Metal to deal with. Nowadays with my spoiled method of getting tattooed it works out much better.
  7. I just quick seared a 20 day dry aged ribeye. About a minute on each side. Rubbed it with Truffle Salt and a bit of cracked black pepper corn. Put my cast iron skillet over high heat and let it sit till it was smoking. A drop of olive oil (Morimoto suggests grapeseed oil, but I was out) in the skillet until thats smoking too. Drop the steak in and it'll sear the top. Flip it to sear the bottom. Center is still perfectly raw. Normally I'd have deglazed the pan with some wine and butter, but since I was eating it while sitting crosslegged on my bed watching Friday the 13th part six... I didn't think that level of Frou Frou was in order. :D
  8. The Frisco Skin one was a huge inspiration on me when I first started getting tattooed. A lot of the work I get is "weird" (especially by the standards that were in place in 1990) and I'd walk into shops, barely 18 and ask for really odd stuff. Most of them were polite to me, but.... they didn't get it. To have Higgs saying that it's ok to get things that people consider stupid and that it works anyway... it just opened my eyes to what I was missing. That there were people out there who were roughly my age who were into weird comics and art and all that shit AND who tattooed it. After that, I just had to be patient and find the right tattooer. Which is a good lesson when you're young and you just want to be tattooed. Patience is hard found sometimes.
  9. cause I keep messing with settings and forgetting to unclick them. I'll eventually unclick it all so they'll be embeddable.
  10. We eventually didn't do it because we could have fucked up and gotten picked. Then I'd have to get tattooed by Kat Von D.
  11. Sometimes it's nice to get tattooed when you're not wearing pants. The quality on this is TERRIBLE, but.... hell... thats the point of getting this stuff saved.
  12. My buddy Bruehl and I once conspired to get on LA INKED by telling the producers that we were two of DR. BRONNER's adopted children, and that we wanted Kat to tattoo portraits of him on us. With banners that read ALL ONE OR NONE. Had we just said we were addicted to porn.... we wouldn't have had to lie.
  13. They're not mine to charge for, Pete. I'm just glad they're getting seen. I've had people send me stuff in trade; drawings, books, etc- but I wouldn't feel comfortable making money from them. Speaking of- Cliff Raven. 1974. This video features Cliff tattooing in New York & Florida. And generally not wearing pants. There was no audio originally, so I decided to leave it silent for now. Enjoy-
  14. Today is Cliff Raven day. Some (edited) footage from 1974 and a documentary called "Tattoo Take Two: A conversation with Cliff Raven"
  15. Make sure to select the 720p HD version if your monitor supports it- quality is much better. The Hardy snippet with Phil Sparrow is uploading now.
  16. Frisco Skin and Tattoo Ink from Metamorphosis II productions. It's where those beardless Higgs vidcaps came from.
  17. Ugh. So I uploaded the first video to my facebook account- it's been "processing" for an hour and I just got a "we're sorry, we encountered problems" message and it's been deleted. I always export movies to facebook from my iMovie with no problems, so.... I'm clueless. We'll see if the Higgs/Corbin youtube upload is more successful. If it is, I'll move the Hardy one there.
  18. No worries. Thanks again for sending that Higgs video back over; it's resizing and going up on my newly made youtube account.
  19. Im importing some stuff now; Phil Sparrow talking about meeting Hardy. I'm not going to import full documentaries till I fully figure out the software, but I'll likely have something online tonight.
  20. Wow. I hadn't heard that Royboy passed away. He was one of those guys that just seemed so cartoony and silly; even when he was wrestling with a tiger or tattooing with no gloves you'd just sort of laugh it off with a "well, that's Royboy." This is a dude who put "the birthplace of Elvis's son-in-law" on his business card when Lisa Marie Presley married Michael Jackson. Classic.
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