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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. It's out on the 27th, yeah. It's mostly about his store, his antiquing and his collecting. He used to collect StarWars toys.... I like him more already!
  2. The third episode barely covers tattooing and it's the best one yet. I'm hoping the other artists they feature are as humble and personable as Dan.
  3. For me it's been a clean slate. I used to feel obligated to accept requests from people, so I had a bloated stream of people I barely know. With +, I'm able to have more control over who's musings I want to see, and the circle I read the most are people who're less douchey.
  4. I work in a bar. One of our bartenders just hit bottom a few months ago and is totally clean and sober now. He logged into FB today to see everyone slagging the "fucking addict"... the same friends who "supported" him during his giving up alcohol. He pointed out that when they were talking about her, they were talking about him too. He was powerless over his addictions too. He went to rehab. He gave up drinking a million times but went back to it. When he almost died, he realized enough was enough. When people say things like she deserved it, they mean he deserved it too. As do all of the people who fight addiction. It's horseshit, and it's being cruel to be cool.
  5. that's why Im loving google+ I have a circle of about 15 people I actually want to follow, versus the 700 (down from 1000 with 200 awaiting me to reject them) that I'm too lazy to weed through on FB
  6. So I'm not the world's most sensitive person, and the deaths of celebrities rarely get me to raise an eyebrow... but perhaps it's because of all the horrible devastation in Oslo this week, or maybe I'm just softening up... But is anyone else annoyed by all the snarky, shitty posts about Amy Winehouse's death? I'm not a fan by any means, but it's a race to see who's more clever or witty or hurtful about the death of a very troubled 27yo and that's just fucking sickening. Sure, she had the world in the palm of her hand, but she also had addiction. One powerful enough to wreck her life. I dunno man. I definitely deleted a few 'friends' from facebook for being unnecessarily cruel.
  7. He's saying he wants to talk to the media, to explain himself (re: manifesto) I hope they don't give him the satisfaction.
  8. has anyone recommended TATTOOING THE INVISIBLE MAN by Hardy?
  9. Some friends of mine are in Oslo right now for an event; I've heard that everyone is ok and I'm glad that my LST friends are ok, too. You guys are in my thoughts today.
  10. The dude from Pentagram sounds eerily like Seth Rogan.
  11. More Ed Hardy « Occult Vibrations Im on an Ed Hardy kick; hopefully have some Lyle Tuttle soon.
  12. As someone who dates people in that age range, I'll listen just to gain a better insight into my girlfriend's mind. :)
  13. Horrible Bosses was funny. Not great. But funny. Jennifer Anniston (I call myself a Fanniston) steals the whole movie. "I fingered myself so hard last night I broke a nail".
  14. I shot you an invite, Cap.
  15. Finally getting around to posting the skullbee that Deno did on me...
  16. A16 « Occult Vibrations I've been having issues with my conversion software but managed to get this little chompie today.
  17. Is he available any time soon? Cause I'm past due and am starting to look too shaggy. Wheres my flowbee
  18. I usually watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall, take my glaucoma medication or go to the gym when I'm blue.
  19. Joe- I have an iPad, and I swear by it for a variety of reasons, not just as a book reader. Im considering an ipad2 just for the added bells and whistles.
  20. My little fella visited a Monastery with me.
  21. I added you to my LST circle.
  22. He worked with the same crew for almost 30 years as a mechanic at a Phosphate company- and when he retired, one of the guys allegedly said "Who's Robert Porter?" and it had to be explained to them that RP and the Gator were one and the same. When I was 15 we even got him tattooed with us; has a little Gator tattoo on his arm that he proudly shows to all of my girlfriends the first time he meets them. He's a character.
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