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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. I was going to get a foie tattoo in Quebec City, but the artist my friend recommended was out fishing. Gotta appreciate the balance of that.

  2. If I get it I'll do a review.
  3. Text me when you're in Philly. It'll be nice to hear from you when it's not a butt dial! :D
  4. this one isn't a tablet- check out the specs on it! I hate drawing on my tablet, this seems like it'll reconcile what I like about digital drawing and what I hate.
  5. I don't want this. I need it. Even though I rarely draw. Way to go advertising. You worked again. Inkling | Wacom Americas
  6. I have a photo queued up on OV of Hardy doing a hand tattoo on someone without sleeves, late 70s. It was a unicorn. He's the guy that can say "I have an Ed Hardy Unicorn on my hand". I'm not sure if that's a bragging point or not.
  7. There's always someone tattooing shirtless in your videos. Cliff Raven style.
  8. Claire and I are going to see 'Don't be afraid of the Dark' tomorrow... I need to cleanse my palate after the Fright Night remake and Planet of the Apes.
  9. hah. I didn't want squid pants drawn, just something so I could make stickers. I had a few people get back to me, but nothing has come of it. That's the lament of the blogger- those who can, draw. Those who can't, blog.
  10. I like that my terrible drawings have become synonymous with bad tattoo slang....
  11. I have it pretty good.... sarcasm and cattiness is totally expected where I work.
  12. It's the cross you bear. "Shawn... YOU of all people will appreciate THIS" (insert shitty tattoo photo here). It happens with strangers too. "When I get older, I'm going to look like YOU" (I always retort "What, a dorky manchild?") "I haven't gotten it YET, but (insert long drawn out story of a tattoo I don't care about).." "My cousin has this amazing tattoo that (insert tattoo that I don't care about)..." You just smile. If they SHOW you a tattoo, respond "yeah, that's a tattoo alright". if they ask your feedback, respond "yeah, that could totally work". That or do what I did at the bar the other night: "honestly, I could care less. So. you want a drink?"
  13. As Kyle pointed out... Ed Hardy originated Squid Pants....
  14. They can have my foie gras when they pry it from my cold dead (from arterial clogging) fingers...
  15. We spent a lot of time in Quebec City, in the old section. Beautiful. I ate poutine every day and smuggled foie gras home.
  16. My lovely child girlfriend and I will be going on a roadtrip this week, to Montreal first and then on to Quebec city. I'm bringing a decent budget for food (foie gras, poutine, confit, oh my) and have a few spots mapped out, but otherwise.... Any suggestions on things to do, places to visit, etc?
  17. My work environment has upped my cattyness levels significantly.
  18. I don't mind the imagery; his style is his style and it's no less valid than someone who's biting on Cholo work when they're from the burbs- you do the work you like, it's none of my business. For me it's the whole wearing spats and riding a penny farthing thing. (which I'm not saying Chris does.... but it'll happen. Sometime soon. Hipster tattooers with handlebar mustaches, riding penny farthings and wearing monocles)
  19. Casey's Corner is a section of Outlaw Biker Tattoo Revue where Casey Exton publishes photographs of girls in inappropriately trashy clothing. No real focus on their tattoos. Hell, sometimes the pics themselves are out of focus. He's usually in the pics, leering with the girls who're 1/3 of his age. (not that I can judge that)
  20. I'm really not trying to be a dick; It's hard to tell sometimes (even for me, I'm a dick enough that I sometimes have to pause and think it through to see if it's on purpose or not) but I really am not trying to throw some dude who I don't know under the bus.
  21. I'm sure he's a nice guy, and the tattoos are well done... I just feel like it's some sort of meta-hipsterism. The ironic mustache taken to a new, higher level. Then again, I think the tattooers who dress like they're 1950s greasers are silly too, so maybe I just have an issue with people who try to hard to dress the part.
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