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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. That's a shame, Chris- That footage you told me about is priceless. It would be terrible if it never got released.
  2. NOW we're talkin' partying. Hell yeah.
  3. My life is a weird happy delusional stage. Though once I end up in the shower with you, shaving your body hair, I'm going to stop taking medication and devote my life to Jesus, cause there's only so much I can take. Haha.
  4. I run my pill cocktails by my physicians assistant; in the mg we're doing it's fine but as always it's best to know what you're taking and how it interacts with everything else. I once abused anti-narcolepsy meds in vegas (sleep is for the lazy) and had to call her up and ask how it would mix with cialis. Long story, but it worked out fine.... juuuuust fine. Her only caveat was don't mix it with grapefruit juice. It's nice to have learned friends.
  5. I can't say that pills hit me really hard :D The muscle relaxer just helps balance out that tension that you have from tightening up to work through the pain; the next day you don't feel like you've been hit by a car. Pain killers always just sour my stomach and do little to take away the pain, but the other meds I swear by.
  6. I swear by a xanax to make me less stressed. A muscle relaxer to make me less tense. A antihistamine to make me less swollen. Anyone who wants me to 'earn' it can suck it.
  7. What about smuggling human body parts over international borders? Cause as fun as you think that is, it makes you really really paranoid. :D
  8. I WAS thinking about legally changing my name to 'Big Baby Jesus". This seals it.
  9. No. Or if they did, I missed it while being asked 10000 times if I was in line for the 'meet n greet' with Megen Massacre or whoever from NYInked. Let's just repeat that: There was a HUGE line of people waiting to meet a tattooist. At a tattoo convention.
  10. At the Philly tattoo convention yesterday, they made sure to announce over the PA system that Al Fliction was in the house. All the amazing tattooers there this weekend, and Al gets a shoutout.
  11. And they said that thongs and back hair don't go together.
  12. My influence is just so widespread that he doesn't need to be, homes.
  13. Thanks to the folks who bought the Abe shirt so far- I've been swamped at work and haven't made it to the post office, but I'll get them out tomorrow sure thing.
  14. "And then we're going to swing by Philly so I can hug Shawn and snark with him. We're going to go to the mall and get tshirts with each other's faces on them. it's going to be fun"
  15. it crushes me that Al Flictions interpretation of the Pearly Gates was stolen. He had so much RAW TALENT.
  16. Every time someone says 'leg sleeve' just shout SQUIDPANTS. Trust me.
  17. Tattoo This, Haters - Opinion - The Spectrum - University at Buffalo Aren't there more important things to worry about?
  18. It was fun, Leaves of Grass. I like Time Blake Nelson all around, and I thought that Norton did a good job with it.
  19. Untitled | In a bid to be this years feminist icon, Lisa... Someone was unkind to Lisa on tumblr.
  20. Haha. Truth. Troy swung by my bar tonight, and said it's "only" 300. So that's that.
  21. I heard a radio spot for it yesterday promising SIX HUNDRED tattooists working the event. I'm hoping it's hyperbolic. Good luck to all my friends that are coming to work. Yikes.
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