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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. There's a push for SUPER conceptual 'old timey' stuff so they can 'out oldschool' each other. Some of the stuff, by well respected tattooers, looks to me like a five year old drew it. I mean, whatever folks want to get is fine by me, but until people start calling it out.... it's only going to get worse.
  2. I was in the same boat with Sons of Anarchy season four. But luckily I had a torrent of ideas about how to deal with that. See what I did there? :D
  3. Reading his responses I was almost compelled to send him an 'customer service 101' primer. here's a tip: Eat the shit sandwich. "Andy, I'm so sorry this has taken so long and I'd be happy to refund you and even send you a machine on me to make up for your terrible experience." Then refund. Then ship the comp'd machine. KISS A LITTLE ASS. There are tons of people making machines; you have options out the ass when you're buying a new one. So when someone has a bad experience... hustle. Kiss that ass. Make it right. People never learn. Good luck with the refund, Duder.
  4. There's a dive there called COOP'S PLACE that has the best Jambalaya I've ever had. I've been eating there for probably 15 years. Last time I went to NOLA, I ate there six times in five days.
  5. Netflix just lost the STARZ account. 1000 or so titles removed.
  6. I remember watching that video and wanting a Lum tattoo SO badly. 20 years later and I still haven't. No idea why.
  7. Chad Koeplinger told me he visited Roy before he passed and that it was a very surreal experience. I met him and Debra once at a convention and they scared the crap out of me, but that's not really a negative.
  8. Royboy was badass. And as a coincidence the cause of the only hate mail my blog has ever gotten.
  9. Every tattoo you do has to have my birth date in it. "So, I put 8/2 in it because this dude who thinks you smell like taco meat was born on August 2nd. That's cool, right? right?" I'm a huge competitive cooking show fan; Iron Chef, Chopped, Best Restaurant etc... so I guess I shouldn't be so offended that there's a competitive tattoo show... but why does it have to be so fucking BAD?
  10. I think Mike was 22 and I was 19 or so and we're in the shop and these girls come in. Mike smiles and says "hey, ladies... do you know why women wear makeup and perfume?" And the girls giggle and say no. "Because they're ugly and they stink" and went back to tattooing. He made a lot of friends, young Mike Wilson.
  11. In a nutshell... yes. I obviously prefer 'you smell like taco meat' but it's not my place to dictate which meat product you drop. Duffa to tattooer: Man, you smell like a wallaby just cracked a fat; can you make my tribal more tribal? (I had to consult with an Australian to make that authentic) We can add flavor to it. :D
  12. A. Next week Shane says "I didn't come here to make friends". We know how I feel about this. B. For the last census, I identified as an Eskimo just to 'hack' the census and make the numbers screwy. I think some of us should try to get on the show, be model 'human canvases' for the interview, then just be total douche customers when our time comes. Shawn to tattooer: Dude, no disrespect, but you smell like taco meat.
  13. A polite "what should I bring" isn't out of line. Quality work is priceless, but living in the real world means budgeting; so once you guys get the design sort of worked out, asking for a ballpark isn't a faux pas.
  14. Ask Mike why women wear perfume and makeup to break the ice.
  15. There are some things that, once said cannot be undone. this is one of them: I. Dare. You.
  16. Something about taking it with the boner pills is no good. Go figure.
  17. Im watching episode 5. I know we make fun of the judges and artists a lot, but the client just said... go big or go home. dear douche... find a bag.
  18. I'll see your cheat and raise you: Jennifer Stell's first piece on Occult Vibrations: Does your monkey say, Aloha? Well it should… « Occult Vibrations
  19. Chad and I shot the breeze for 3 hours planning the tattoo he's doing on my stomach, and another handful of emails to get it right; and it's a black panther. He's willing to put the time in to make sure you get what you want; and you're going to walk out of there with an honest tattoo. May not be exactly what you had in mind, but thats the great part about running it through another person; the marriage of your idea and their execution making something that you may not have pictured but is exactly what you need.
  20. Far be it from me to censure free thought, but I don't really see this thread or poster really going anywhere. Internet arguing and all. Should be derailed before it turns off the regular posters, don't you think?
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