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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. I'll be attending this year's New York Comic Con on Saturday the 13th- going up just for the PUSHEAD event then no plans till my bus on Sunday. I know one other Last Sparrower who'll be there, but... if any of you NY folks want to grab a drink Saturday night... I'll likely be down. Also, if anyone wants to check out Comic Con on SUNDAY, I have a weekend pass and wont be going on Sunday, you'd be welcome to it.
  2. He will, yes. Scott Harrison told me the story of how they managed to get him talking; I'm terrible at telling other people's stories, but... god I hope that's included in the final product!
  3. There's going to be a bonus Valerie Vargas segment later in the "season".
  4. I love that Valerie ends the episode by saying she hates having her picture taken... in a documentary about herself :D
  5. during my way too short visit to SF, I had dinner at Fleur de Lys.... If you get a chance to eat at a Michelin star winner's restaurant.... DO IT. Kobe Cheeks for christ sakes.
  6. My flight back to philly is early the next day in San Jose, and I'm with other folks.
  7. Honestly its pretty fluid. Im going to be in Santa Cruz for a wedding, and we're planning to drive down to SF the next day (saturday) and just wander around for a few hours. I'm going to try to hit the Folsom Street Fair for a little bit (I can write it off dinner if I do!) and then its all up in the air. I'm going to have my new special lady friend with me, as well as my sister (who has a backpiece from O'Donnell) and brother in law (if you follow Hooper's instagram, he's the fella what just got the huge dotwork Atom on his stomach) so I don't know how everything is going to play out as far as schedules.
  8. But there are problems. It's a hush hush thing, but some of the folks who've had it done have experienced glaucoma like pressure buildups in the eye, vision issues, etc.
  9. My friend Howie was one of the first (if not THE first) person to perform eyeball tattooing. Its icky and dangerous. He uses an insulin syringe and injects it. He also uses black light reactive pigment. Its living proof that sometimes you can be friends with someone and think they have no ethics.
  10. Good choices, all. And I always call ALIEN a 'haunted house' movie. The backdrop is space and sci-fi, but at it's heart.... its just a ghost movie. Perfection. Absolute favorite is Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I was lucky enough to watch it once WITH Tobe Hooper in attendance and my head almost exploded. After that- The Thing, The Shining, Exorcist (original cut) Suspiria, Inside.... Apparently Zombie's LORDS OF SALEM got picked up by Anchor Bay.... And welcome to the family.
  11. screw tattoos... what's your favorite horror movie?
  12. I'm going to be in San Fran for a few scant hours on 22nd September... shame I'm going to miss this!
  13. Chris is a nice dude. Really passionate about documenting tattoo culture.
  14. By the way..... Because of this post I googled airBnB and started using it... I've made $300 in a week and met some really fun folks. Thanks dude!
  15. Thanks! It's a hard balance sometimes; right now I want to be curled up in bed eating m&ms and watching Escape from NY- Instead I'm going to bike in the rain to the gym. But afterwards I know I'll feel great... and reward myself with the new Cronenberg movie!
  16. He hasn't. But when I get my stomach finished, maybe I'll coerce him to telling it on film.
  17. Since beginning my journey into fitness/health (52lbs lost as of yesterday's weigh in!) I've been getting much more inventive with cooking; i'd always relied on fat, salt, etc to make things taste good. Now that Im cooking more balanced meals I've had to really stretch myself to make it interesting and satisfying while maintaining the caloric guidelines I set on myself. I've been really pleased with how things are coming out, and was recently asked to teach a 'healthy cooking' class for my weight loss group. Oh. And I celebrate every 10lbs lost with foie gras and charcuterie, so I'm not a total square!
  18. When Chris told me the lineup a few months ago, he mentioned the three that are on the announcement; so I'm thinking that's going to be it. But still... fucking DeVita. - - - Updated - - - I think the rights are for streaming only so there'll likely not be a proper dvd release.
  19. Sounds like a plan to me. I can find us something tasty and dietarily welcoming to vegans and omnivores, though I abhor coffee in all it's forms :D
  20. It did, sort of. Most of my shitheel friends bailed at the last minute, but Gouge was able to come and enjoy some sushi and inappropriate conversation. Thanks again, dude, and sorry you had to hear... most of that. And sorry to hear about your Grandmother, Slayer
  21. Since becoming single unexpectedly, I've had a major fire under my butt to get in shape- physically and mentally. Since May 9th I've lost 45lbs. I ride my bike 20 miles a day for fun. I've radically altered my eating habits. I go to the gym every day. Instead of staying on my couch eating a bag of m&ms, I'm ziplining in the Pocono Mountains. Things like that. Instead of bitching that my life changed without my consent, I'm going to therapy to work on my noodle; make myself an even better person.
  22. ShawnPorter


    I don't see this going well.
  23. Haha. I appreciate the thought none the less. I finally started getting people messaging me asking about "ad space" and when I see the blogs I read with banners all over them (Needles and Sins, Tattoo Snob, et all) I'll admit that there's a second of pause where you start thinking about the time you put into it, and why SHOULDN'T you make a little cash? Then I see the blogs I read with banners all over them for products that there is NO way they endorse and you think... fuck that.
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