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Everything posted by tay943

  1. One of my work shirts is three-quarter length size, I have no upper arm tattooes but it is very flattering! Mostnof my tattoos are on my legs so I haven't ran into an issue with those yet. I have to wear three-quarter pants to my other job, but my boss wasn't worried by my visible ankle tattoo; given the casual nature of the pants and the fact my lower body is stuck behind a counter most of the day haha. Both jobs are pretty strict about piercings though, and there is a no visable tattoo policy at the aformentioned long-pants job. I can wear 'sleepers' at both, and I'm stretching my ears very slowly with captive bead rings at the moment so we'll see how long that goes unnoticed haha.
  2. Realising that I like colouring so much more than line work edit: I take it back. Please put me out of my misery.
  3. I'm using an app called event countdown, Its fairly customisable I have it set to weeks and days. Everytime I boom an appointment I set up a new countdown widget on my phone's home page haha :)
  4. In response to the title question; I try not to let trends directly influence my opinions about things, negativly or positivly. A bad tattoo is a bad tattoo, but if someone really loved feathers and studied them and just generally thought they were awesome imagery it would be unfortunate that they felt like they couldn't get a really nice feather tattoo because people may think they are 'mainstream' or shallow. Love what you love, take inspiration from everywhere and people will appreciate you for your confidence and individuality; don't hold off on something based on what unimportant people think (not related to career advancements or the like of course).
  5. My first tattoo of the year is a week away today! Excited to get back into it. Does anyone else put countdowns om theor phones? Haha
  6. When I was putting bepanthen on a healing tattoo I found myself also applying jt to tattoes that had been healed for 6 months upwards :/
  7. I'm not planning to get a full suit, yet here I am following this thread anyway. I am interested however in how the same areas are treated on women; obviously much of the arse is the same, but there's a lot more space and I am curious as the whether the suit is extended further due to this.
  8. @RoryQ I have to admit when I read 'women's lifting' I was a little weary; you see so many 'women's fitness' articles, websites, youtube channels etc. that are all cute crop tops, workout playlists 'toning up' and pink dumbells haha. But a quick look through this link and I see that the website is completely different, depunking muths and offering real information to women. Thank you!
  9. Thanks! Almost immedietly after I ordered them I did some research and realised rhsy were nit what I was after haha. My hands are starting to get more used to the weights and I have started developing calluses, which actually made me feel kind of cool tbh. In the last few weeks I've developed a pretty good program which I actually love doing; the only machines I still use are the lat pulldown, leg press, seated row and tricep pulldown; everthing else is free weights :).
  10. Thanks for all the support everyone :). Reading through these comments inspired me to ask one of the trainers for some basic arm workouts with the free weights, and I now have a new arm and shoulder workout too! I'm starting very small only due to my lack of strength, but I'm definetly looking forward to challenging myself and wont be afraid to move onto heavy weights in the future (although my mother has expressed concern that I'll end up looking 'like a man' smh). On another note my hands were pretty sore after the session so I've order some lifting straps which will hopefully make things easier. Does anyone else have experience with them? Have they helped present redness/soreness/calluses? Thanks again :)
  11. I've been following this thread for a while but can finally post and say that I used actual real weights (not just weight machines) for the first time today! I've felt really intimidated of the free weights area before but plucked up the courage to try a new leg work out based on my google-research. My legs feel like jelly and I can't walk but I'm super pumped :). Used 10kilos for squats and five for lunges (as well as 35 kilos on the leg extension). Looking forward too seeing progress
  12. Power to you @canarycoal for biking straight after tattoo sessions. The day after my larger thigh tattoo putting much pressure on the limb made me physically ill, which is what's got me worried the most. However bikes take a lot of the pressure of, so I might get back into it on the stationary bike and wait until fully healed for sprints. Thank you :) xx
  13. @SeeSea thank you! I'd found the lifting thread before but not the other two. Will be useful reading :) @marley mission Thanks for the insight :). My worries are less falling off the wagon and more that I'll miss not being at the gym. But you're right, taking a full week off would gve me the oppurtunity to go back harder.
  14. Anyone in this thread who is a regular gym goer? I am letting my calf tattooed at the start of May and want to be back in business as soon as possible. Would like to here the experiences of others, whether you slowly got back into exercise or waited until you were completely healed. Thanks in advance :) I have other leg tattoos but nine since I have started a regular fitness routine.
  15. Jody Dawber does some really nice traditional/neo traditional locket tattoos, and I've seen some good realistic lockets done too. Here are a few from her I've got saved on my phone from her instragram...
  16. Those are nice scales! Have to admit though I originally thought you meant scales like fish and I was pretty excited to see interpretations of that haha :)
  17. This will only make this girl's birthmark (and by association, her physical appearance) the focus of her life. By getting their daughter's 'horrible disfigurement' tattooed on them it simply highlights that her body is her most important aspect. If they really wanted to give her a better outlook on life, they should not treat the birthmark as if it has any signifigance at all, which it shouldn't. Everyone is different, and she shouldn't be made to feel that that is a bad thing, even though it is apparent that her parents (especially the mother, who cried when her baby ended up with some skin discolouration even though she was otherwise in perfect health) do. They could have a couple of grand in a College fund by now with what they would have spent on those tattoos.
  18. I haven't seen that imagery in tattoos before, but am interested in hearing any meaning behind it. I'll be keeping and eye on this thread :).
  19. I remember questions like that as well. They did seem mostly to be kept on file to protect the tattoo artists, with both had me sign at the bottom after acknowledging that I have been giving proper after care information and that I agreed to the proceedure (I even remember one of the places had a line stating that I had not been tattooed under duress, and that the tattoo artist had not forced me into it). The most recent place I went to even photocopied my driver's license for record because I looked underage haha.
  20. I'm quite sure the last place I was at had it on the consent form. Is it common for tattoo shops to present a checkbox list asking about blood diseases, fainting, blood sugar, surgeries and pregnancies? Admittedly I've only been to too shops so far but both have had similar forms.
  21. By the time thst child is in her 20s the birthmark will most likely only cover some of her thigh, where as her parents' tattoos are going to be giant and red more-or-less forever. I saw this article on my facebook feed earlier, and at the risk of sounding heartless (I am sure they are very thoughtful and lovng parents) I feel that they should try and help their child embrace their individuality, as everyone is different - rather than go to such extremes just to make your child feel 'normal'. I dunno, just found it kind of odd. Edited because I just read through the article and saw that her birthmark appears to be growing with her. So this could be something that could cause her to feel self-conscious. However this does bring up an intetesting question, how will she feel about her oarents tattoos as she grows older?
  22. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/2069-chest-torso-tattoos.html Have a look through this thread, there's a lot of great work in there in the exact area you're looking for.
  23. I was lying next to my boyfriend in bed and I started showing him some good work by an artist I'd recently found. By the fourth photo he sat up in bed, plugged his laptop into the TV and started playing League of Legends haha. I try not to judge anyone by what they like to spend their extra money on. My boyfriend has spent a lot more on electronics than I have on tattoos (which I remind him of when he gets shocked about how much something cost), I know girls who spend upwards of $100 on clothing, which they are free to do if they enjoy it. One of my friends spent over a grand on a set of star wars figurines which I would never do, but its his bloody money.
  24. I hope I didn't come across as rude! Family history must be something I really just don't understand. As far as placement, if you are willing an artist would be able to play around with the foliage surrounding the actual coat of arms in order to help the design fit the shape of your leg better. I am not a tattoo artist. It sounds like you really want it on your thigh, so I'd say go for it! :)
  25. Is that the thing where you type your last name into a webpage and it comes up with a rather generic looking image of your 'coat of arms'? A friend from a while ago did this, he ended up finding a decent tattoo artist even though the image was directly stencilled off the print-out he gave him; and I've seen a bunch of tattoos aparently taken from the same website that look almost identical (with a few colours and central symbol changed to represent the supposed family name). However, I live in Australia and theres no real 'old family names' that date back to god knows when because everyone who lives here migrated within the last 200 years unless you are native, and coat of arms' arn't part of Aboriginal Australia's culture. Anyway my point is, if where you live you actually have coat of arms above your mantel piece in in your family history books or wherever they're kept, and that's what you want to represent your family, then go for it! Othwise, perhaps think about other imagery that symbolises your love for or bond to your family for a tattoo. Just my two cents:)
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