Thank you all for the very kind advice! I do check out my shop before I would ever get something done there, and sadly I haven't felt comfortable in any of the shops I've been in here, so I will definitely save up and travel after I finish school. Hopefully I can get a few tattoos on the way haha.
Sadly, I rushed into my first tattoo and got a gypsy head on my stomach, I still like her a lot, but I came to regret the placement as I have fallen in love with full frontal chestpieces (as in the stomach and chest are one whole piece), but because of her I won't be able to get that, so I'll travel somewhere, get this Native American lady, and full in the gaps from there!
Also, Jake, I do like Valerie Vargas' women very much, but I prefer my women a bit more simple/traditional! Thank you for the recommendation though!