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  1. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Daniel Adam Willis in Full Back Piece Thread   
    A place to post pictures of yours or ones that you drool over.
    There are few things better than a well thought out and executed full back piece. So much potential as it's the largest solid flat plane on your body.
    I'll start with this one that Thomas Hooper just posted on his blog as in progress. So awesome! For those who aren't familiar with Hooper he works at the great shop New York Adorned

  2. Like
    Jake got a reaction from MadeIndelible in Lady Heads   
    for those of you in the bay area- there's a piece of Conn flash with 3 awesome lady heads that me and Lochlan always drool over. I've seen it in both Temple and Blackheart. I only found this tiny picture of it online. In person it's fucking rad

  3. Like
    Jake got a reaction from joakim urma in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    this thread just makes me angry
  4. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Boxing Gloves in Full Back Piece Thread   
    tonight's post is featuring all back pieces/body suits by the absurdly talented Filip Leu. I'm actually a little surprised no one's posted any pics of his yet in this thread...

  5. Like
    Jake got a reaction from TattooedMumma in Full Back Piece Thread   
    No apologies necessary. I love coming into this thread and seeing rad stuff.
    Here's my contributions for today. All by Tim Lehi. I wish these pictures were better so I could see more of the detail...

  6. Like
    Jake got a reaction from The Tig in Tiger tattoos   
    Photo 2 by Chris Garver.
    Photos 1 and 3 by Tim Lehi.
  7. Like
    Jake got a reaction from cltattooing in Full Back Piece Thread   
    These are from Horitoshi I's website.
    And click here for an interesting interview with him.
    The old school Japanese hand colored free style drawn pieces blow me away.

  8. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Noodles in yelp & tattoo shops   
    Perfect example of why Yelp is irrelevant to the tattoo industry...
    I just looked up Blackheart's yelp page because it's the shop I've been tattooed in most and am most familiar with as a client (which should matter for a yelp review...)
    There is a one star review where someone is complaining about the pain of their tattoo. Really?!??
    The same person felt they were overcharged but rather than say something at the time of the appointment, they called to discuss it with the shop helper later. That's like going to Best Buy, buying a TV, and then calling them two weeks later saying you saw a smaller, lower clarity TV at the pawn shop and want a partial refund on your big shiny new TV. Makes no sense at all!
    Yelp is nothing but an outlet for complainers who want to feel empowered. Don't get me wrong, I've used it sometimes, but only for new food places and ALWAYS taking the ratings people give with a grain of salt. It's not difficult to read a little bit and see who knows what they're talking about and who's talking out of their ass.
    Side note, my employer was hired by Yelp recently and all the attendees of the event (who were all the top Yelp reviewers if I remember correctly) were some of the most savage guests we've dealt with. Go figure.
    In short, the passive aggressive keyboard heroes reign supreme on Yelp and it's sickening what a little power does to a whiny person.
  9. Like
    Jake got a reaction from injek in Rose tattoos   
    said it before and I'll say it again- Tim Hendricks' roses are my favorite.
    there's an awesome example on the entryway to his website here: Tim Hendricks Saltwater Tattoo blog
    and fuck yeah Hogg for Freddy Corbin's roses. I'm getting some done on sunday by him. I'll post some pictures here after it heals.
  10. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Pleadco in Tiger tattoos   
    Dan Gilsdorf
  11. Like
    Jake got a reaction from slayer9019 in Panther Tattoos   
    that's the opposite of the drill! let us see those Wilson cats!
  12. Like
    Jake got a reaction from jukeboxromeos in Lady Heads   
    for those of you in the bay area- there's a piece of Conn flash with 3 awesome lady heads that me and Lochlan always drool over. I've seen it in both Temple and Blackheart. I only found this tiny picture of it online. In person it's fucking rad

  13. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Reyeslv in Skulls Skulls Skulls   
    this is on the same kid who I just posted in the Lion Tattoos Thread
    Thomas Hooper killing it like always
  14. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Ducky15568 in Skulls Skulls Skulls   
    I'd only ever seen a couple Kore Flatmo tattoos that Lochlan had shown me. Intrigued by Scott's recent interview with him, I checked out his website...
    Damn! Homie does some amazing work. Here's some skull jammers that I was stoked on
  15. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Rilla in Panther Tattoos   
    Breaking my several month LST silence w/ a bullet.
    Done by Scott Sylvia @ Blackheart Tattoo in SF just a few hours ago.
  16. Like
    Jake got a reaction from hgiles in Skulls Skulls Skulls   
    I'd only ever seen a couple Kore Flatmo tattoos that Lochlan had shown me. Intrigued by Scott's recent interview with him, I checked out his website...
    Damn! Homie does some amazing work. Here's some skull jammers that I was stoked on
  17. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Wilhell in How do u like your Battle Royale ?   
    here's Josh's back piece by Bob Roberts. fucking killer tattoo.
    for those who are interested click here for part 1 of Cody Miller interviewing Josh Arment and click here for part 2.

  18. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Rob I in Full Back Piece Thread   
    A place to post pictures of yours or ones that you drool over.
    There are few things better than a well thought out and executed full back piece. So much potential as it's the largest solid flat plane on your body.
    I'll start with this one that Thomas Hooper just posted on his blog as in progress. So awesome! For those who aren't familiar with Hooper he works at the great shop New York Adorned

  19. Like
    Jake got a reaction from deaddreamnation in Full Back Piece Thread   
    As long as Kev brought up Rock of Ages tattoo in Austin, I like Jay Chastain's back pieces over there too.

  20. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Nate Pea in Aging realism and what lasts   
    THIS. Always. The end.
  21. Like
    Jake got a reaction from PeteZ in ink trouble   
    just a heads up you're not going to get this answered here. this forum has been set up to avoid making tattoo knowledge available to the public. maybe you'll get an answer in a PM, maybe/probably you won't...
    Tattoo Newbie Guidelines
    Do not start threads asking about specific tattooing equipment or techniques, LST is not here to teach anyone how to tattoo. Ask your own tattooer, the next time you are getting tattooed. Maybe they'll answer you, maybe they won't.
    Do not start threads regarding closely guarded trade secrets - this will keep LST a much more welcoming place for everyone, tattooers and enthusiasts alike.
  22. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Brock Varty in Funny videos   
  23. Like
    Jake got a reaction from MGblues in January 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    I log back in for the first time in months to see this... GOD DAMN!
  24. Like
    Jake got a reaction from CultExciter in January 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    I log back in for the first time in months to see this... GOD DAMN!
  25. Like
    Jake got a reaction from Blackcloud in January 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    I log back in for the first time in months to see this... GOD DAMN!
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