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Jake last won the day on January 10 2012

Jake had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Biography
  • Location
    Berkeley, California
  • Interests
    Art and Food

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  1. I log back in for the first time in months to see this... GOD DAMN!
  2. Catholicism WOW! Side note- I used to own a buddy christ figurine. Damn I miss that thing
  3. I will try my best to be there. Mondays and Wednesdays are definite no-gos for me. Most other nights are difficult as well so don't plan around me by any means. I'll just try to make it work with whatever night you guys pick!
  4. saw this on their facebook. pretty rad:
  5. THIS. Always. The end.
  6. I ride past that shop almost every day and have never been inspired to check it out. that's actually a nice tattoo. guess Ima have to walk in sometime and take a look.
  7. keep em coming @Dan S !!!
  8. reading these kind of threads is painful sometimes...
  9. I'm pretty sure the best way to book in with Lehi would be to call Blackheart...
  10. first post with a bang! welcome and I hope you stick around with awesome tattoos like those!
  11. Avery, I appreciate how you're looking at the whole picture and aren't just mirroring your personal experience onto her situation (not to say that a lot of people's personal experiences on here are not potentially relevant and helpful..) Anyways, good luck no matter which path you and your family end up taking @Natveggie45 .
  12. ain't nothing wrong with that. there are plenty of peonies, panthers, skulls, roses, snakes, eagles, dragons, lady heads, blah blah blah, and yet they all still make awesome tattoos. you don't need to have the most unique tattoo in the world to have a good tattoo!
  13. you stealing my pics from the random picture thread and trying to pass them off here?? :p
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