so so so soooooo tragic. I spent 5 hrs in the chair almost and the artist gave me totally wrong care instructions so now I'm pretty much disfigured. Being my first tattoo i didn't know how fucking wrong this was. He told me wash it when I'm in the shower and do NOT put ANYthing on it, no ointment, no lotion, no oil. Seemed a little strange to me, so I even texted him for clarification, and he still said dont put anything on it. So I did that, the whole thing scabbed up, bled out took 2 weeks to heal and now looks like someone hit me in the leg with a baseball bat huge red and purple blured mess.. By the time i realized what was going on under that scab it was waaay to late to save it. Worst of all I texted my artist about it and his response was basically 'well you didnt listen to my instructions so its your problem now.' :[ I really don't know what to do about it other than cry for days. :/