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  • Biography
    I am a Tattoer living in Richmond Kentucky.
  • Location
    Between a rock and a hard place.
  • Interests
    Drawing and painting stuff and things.
  • Occupation

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  1. Rob_Gilk

    wolf rose

    looks great
  2. Hey Nathan, Welcome to the boards.
  3. Lizzie has a good point. I think there are alot of cool tattooed people out there who don't want to tattoo, I think this is a great thing, but i have heard alot of scrutiny of anyone but tattooers doing anything for the business. (starting shops, running conventions,etc.) In my opinion nothing can be done with out us, the hard working Tattooers, we are the workhorses. but i think there are a genuine few out there who do not tattoo who would also like to put in there contributions. after all we tattooers do get busy busting our asses, just to do sweet ass tattoos. I am not saying that "civilians" should be building machines or other technical industry secrets, If somebody has alot of tattoos,love for tattoos, and they don't seem to be profiting or taking advantage of the artists,they should be given a chance to give back. I feel like i am torn on this subject, we always love it when rockstars/famous people get behind what we do, why not give some credit to teh little guy, who has helped grease our pockets for their love of tattoos...
  4. 15 inches, haha, I just pictured you going straight through the lip and tattooing the chin.
  5. Ron, your stuff has the stuff, if you know what I mean, fucking badass.
  6. Rob_Gilk

    Rose Tattoo

    thats a nice sheet.
  7. Rob_Gilk

    cockatoo 2

    love this stuff Dave.
  8. Rob_Gilk


    Chad, happy to have you. keep on keeping on.
  9. thanks for joining us here on teh Interwebz.
  10. Welcome Valerie, I have always Enjoyed your work...Keep on doing what you do.
  11. Great idea Mario, This show would be so different depending on where the location was, I work in small town Kentucky so it would be like country girls and boomhouers all day long, like people askin to cover up a name with their new chicks name. I think we may be able to imbed video using a service like u stream, I just know alot of them will not permit lewd content.
  12. good to see ya here, I love lord sharkington, looking forward to seeing more of your collection.
  13. Thanks for the kind words, I love Lord Sharkington and blow hard and bunnys vag monster,hilarious .
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