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    Massapequa NY

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  1. I had always heard to never use Neosporin on a fresh tattoo. I recently had some work done on my thigh, and am having some kind of reaction as well. It's happened twice before to me as well. My theory is I am allergic to the ink of the marker when my artist free hands anything on me as I've never had a problem when something has been stenciled, or if I'm sitting just for a shading session Fluocinonide is what my doctor prescribed for me. It's a steroid cream, and will bring down the raised areas and redness while I use it (2 weeks at a time), but I know the tattoo will raise back up once I stop using it. Your body just has to get used to whatever is irritating it. This once took over 5 months for me, but the tattoo finally settled in. It sucks and is annoying. Hope you heal up soon.
  2. How would you guys use epsom salt baths? I take them normally, but specifically stay away from them for 2-3 weeks after I get tattooed.
  3. Thanks everyone. I found a thread where Ironchef mentioned having a similar reaction sometimes, and a pharmacist called it contact dermititis. I'll be seeing a dermatologist for a regular check up next week and see what they say. In the meantime, I'll try some Benadryl cream on it for now. One more question if I may? I know this site isn't supposed to discuss tattooing itself, but is there a difference between lining and shading, as far as trauma to the skin goes? Or, does lining push ink deeper into the skin versus shading? Like I said, I'm just trying to figure out why this happens sometimes and not others.
  4. Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure I'm the guy who started the raised lines thread a few years ago. All in all, I've been tattooed 17 times, all by the same artist, and had this happen 3 or 4 times. I just don't know why this happens. I hate these kind of threads, but I figured who better to ask then a bunch of peopled who tattoo or are heavily tattooed.
  5. Are the pens or markers you guys and gals using hypo allergenic? Are they made specifically for tattooing? The reason I ask, is whenever my artist free hands on me, my tattoo stays raised for quite some time, sometimes up to 5 months if I recall. I just recently had some new work on the inside of my thigh, and the tattoo is red all around the border, the outline is raised, and my skin is very irritated. 2 months ago, we worked on the outer thigh and the outline was stenciled. I healed up beautifully and quickly. I've never had a problem when the outline has been stenciled, and never a problem with shading. The common denominator as far as I can tell, is the ink from the marker being pressed into my skin during the outline. This irritation also happened a few years ago during the free handing of the waves on my forearm, and several years ago while doing the background elements on my other sleeve. I've brought up this issue before in the tattoo healing thread, but I don't think it has anything to do with how I am healing my tattoo. I also know this isn't an infection. I feel fine otherwise, no fever. It's just frustrating trying to figure this out, because it prevents me from getting more work when I want it. My tattooer is well known, and well regarded. I've brought this up in the past to him but he doesn't really have any answers for me. I don't want it to seem like I am 'blaming' him, so I haven't brought it up. Right now I am taking some benadryl at night, and trying the cabbage leaf thing I read about in another thread. Any insights into this issue I have would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Bump
  7. I did a quick search on this site and nothing came up. I was just wondering if anyone is familiar with his work, and what anyone thought of it? He did a black and grey, realistic, portrait style lion on me back in 1996 at Peter Tat2 in West Hempstead NY. I am not really into that style of work anymore, but thought he really was an excellent tattoo artist. Here is a link to his site. Custom Tattooing & Fine Art Like I said, I'm just curious as to what some of the more knowledgeable people thought of his work.
  8. Thanks, I'll try that.
  9. I don't know where he is working now. I think that is pretty much the going rate in New York for an established artist.
  10. I kind of thought the same thing, but I think I will shoot him an email anyway. I did stop by Kings Ave on Long Island last week. The manager had me look at a few portfolios, and I am considering Shaun Nel. Bio kingsavetattoo.com/artists/shaun-nel-0/ She helped clarify what I was looking for. A more 'stylized' version of a traditional tattoo. I told her I was thinking of either a panther with some roses, or fighting an eagle. I still plan on visiting Three Kings, and Invisible NYC in the next few weeks. Shaun is only booked out 3-4 weeks which is nice as well
  11. I'll try and put some up. What shop colored guy?
  12. Kev, I do not have a reference pic yet, and I know my description wasn't very precise, but those pics are kind of what I am referring to, because the shading gives it a little more depth, rather than the flat black of most traditional panther's I've seen. But I do know that I want it to be a black panther. This one also looks very proportional which is another thing I like about it, so I may use this to start the discussion, even though that is a leopard or a cheetah (I think). Thanks.
  13. Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone. I will check out some of those websites and blogs, plus try to walk in to a few of the shops that were mentioned. It's funny, I still feel very intimidated when I walk into any tattoo shop, like I am always the un-coolest person in the place. I know I definitely am, but I just felt like checking a different shop. He did a dragon/tiger/peony sleeve for me. I started with a dragon on my inner forearm, than the following year I covered up an old black and grey eagle with the tiger. The following year I decided to just sleeve up the whole arm, which took another 4 sessions I believe. The peony is on the inner bicep. The last two years he did a koi on my right lower arm. I have a black and grey lion portrait on my right upper arm, so I am not quite sure what to do with the rest of it.
  14. Just wondering, who would you guys and girls seek out in the New York City area for a panther tattoo. I'm not quite sure how to explain this, but I would like it to look a bit more like a graphic novel cartoon, rather than a traditional design like they do at Smith Street. Or is that just not cool to ask for? I've been getting work done by Chris O'Donnell the past few years, and I know he would do an amazing job, but I feel like I want to get something from some another artist and a different shop this year, just for the experience of it and to begin to become a tattoo collector I guess. I usually only sit for a few sessions a year, and would have it done on my lower leg. Thanks for any suggestions.
  15. Agreed. It definitely benefits from 1 ice cube. Agree big time on this as well. The Michters is really good too, but if you can get your hands on Sazerac Rye, I think that might be my tops. I was able to get it a few years ago, but limited distribution means it tends not to be sold to retail stores much.
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