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Everything posted by MadeIndelible

  1. I've been waiting for the same. Had a dream about a chromed out piece of flash (can't remember the exact image) last night.
  2. @Mick Weder Thanks a ton for the share. It means a lot. Getting back into normal life is definitely difficult. Living on the edge, or at time going past it, has really made me into a different person than I was as a kid. It started in middle school for me, when I saw the kids who were getting high and listening to underground music and wanted to get into their clique. Now, I have a few friends who aren't heavy drinkers or are trying to get sober, and it's a journey for sure. Went to another meeting last night with my sister's boyfriend. The speaker was awesome. He was this old punk dude who went through so much, and is now going on 32 years sober and clean. His stories were very inspiring. He had some cool things to say about the whole God part of NA, which I found supportive of my own views. Saw someone who ran cross country at my high school's sister school and talked with her for a while. Going to a welcome to NA meeting tonight and a CA meeting tomorrow.
  3. It's 2014 and tattooing has come along way. What images have been the most tattooed? Where do you see the rest of the year going? What trends are you hating? Which are you loving, however reluctantly?
  4. Thanks everyone. I am usually pretty succinct, but it was nice to write out that previous post. This seems to ring pretty fairly true. I've been struggling all day with what I'm supposed to be doing. I didn't get any numbers to call or a sponsor last night, so that's the aim tonight.
  5. Went to an NA meeting in SF tonight. It was marked an atheist meeting, but they still had the traditional 12 steps. Seemed odd. Anyway, I went, introduced myself, and heard the stories, all of which I related to in a very deep way. The speaker held the room without any seeming effort, and I enjoyed what he had to say about changing the way one views life. One word of advice, and I can't speak for all NA meetings, but do not drink the coffee at NA meetings. It was beyond scalding and there was only powdered creamer and refined sugar. What possessed me to drink it in the first place is beyond me. Took one sip and politely set the styrofoam cup under my chair. After the meeting, I took some of the pamphlets, and chatted with one of the members about taking the first step and how he was working on his higher power. After the meeting, I took it upon myself to get lost for an hour and a half trying to find my car. Just got home and wrote this post. Going to a meeting tomorrow, perhaps with my sister's boyfriend, who has attended meetings before. Yay me.
  6. Pretty rad. I actually enjoyed the part about how the body's contact with itself creates a sense of self.
  7. Here's a thread discussing bitcoins and tattoos.
  8. I got a serving job at a new sushi restaurant in town. Work starts at the end of the month. Pretty stoked to have a higher level job since I've been doing mostly underling work in restaurants for the past few years.
  9. Tattoos should be done by professionals, no matter the setting. Some professionals tattoo out of hotels when conventions can't be booked, or some similar situation. What it seems like you're suggesting, on the other hand, is probably not a good idea, especially if the artist you are working with is only tattooing outside of a shop because he or she doesn't work in one at all.
  10. @SeeSea Back piece signatures are cool when done right. I bet yours will be rad if you and the tattooer agree to it.
  11. Franz's tattoos are rad. I say you've made a good choice. @Rikhall
  12. I'm Filipino, or at least a quarter. I have really hairy legs, but everything else is pretty bare.
  13. I shaved my thigh for my first tattoo. The tattooer (reputable) was the slightest bit surprised, but he didn't say anything about not doing it. He just shaved the edges a little more so that the stencil could fit perfectly.
  14. @Colored Guy Best thoughts to you and yours. I hope everything works out. We're all pulling for you.
  15. Luna got sprayed by a skunk a few years ago, and she came running inside the house like a bat outta hell. She was stinky for a while after that.
  16. Dragon kois make me think of people who are in a transformation, but get trapped in a painting or something instead. I'm not saying that that's you @Eilin , but that's just what that makes me think of.
  17. Oh, you're in Queensland? I had no idea that God had granted such mango powers to your homeland. I bet if you had the money, you'd byu a friggin mango farm. I'd get so high up in those mango trees and mack on them all day. Yonana? No. Looks fucking yummy.
  18. Now getting attacked by black birds as a kid doesn't seem as bad.
  19. I'm eating frozen mango. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
  20. Luna rolled in some poop tonight. It could have been hers, but I'm not sure. Anyway, she came back inside looking very sad and didn't know what to do. I took her outside and wiped off what I could with a towel and water, then took her upstairs to shower. She listened very well, and didn't roll on anything indoors, and she lied right next to me while I started the bath. She got right in, and got under the water, very anxious to get the poop off herself. I washed her thoroughly and dried her off, then she started running around the room, very excited to be clean again. She's happy now. Pobrecita.
  21. At the request of @polliwog , here's that tattoo from @cltattooing . This was after it was all healed except for the smoke, which later lightened to where you can see the outlines.
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