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About yorkatronic

  • Birthday 09/29/1978

Profile Information

  • Biography
    tattooing for a little over 5 years. enjoy lettering and traditional tattoos. have almost completed a mission to circle the planet tattooing.
  • Location
    from Tacoma USA, on the road.
  • Interests
    painting, film, music, travel.
  • Occupation

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  1. just a side note: after NYC I'm headed to North Carolina, then Nashville, then New Orleans, then through Texas, then SoCal headed north until i get home...open to anything there or in between to help me get home!
  2. I am a 5 and a half year tattooer originally from south of Seattle, where i work at Bulldog Tattoo in Lacey, Washington. I’m a street shop tattooer and am still pretty green and looking for pick up work, doing quarter sized walk ins and anything else that nobody wants to do. I have been on the road abroad traveling to circle the world tattooing since January 2011, i have been gone from the United States for nearly 4 years and have currently been in the USA for less than a week. Since i have left home i have traveled over 90,000 miles and counting, tattooed in Asia, Africa, Europe and the UK, and visited over 30 countries in that time and had countless adventures and close calls. I just got off a freighter ship where i tattooed my way across the Atlantic from Liverpool to Philly. In my opinion, and that of any New Yorker, my incredible adventure means nothing if i can’t “make it” in the greatest city in the world. I’m looking for 7 days, and will do one quarter sized tattoo a day, or even in that week and ill be happy. After a week I'm headed south and then west to finish my mission to circumnavigate. my portfolio can be viewed at: YORKATRONic.com :: TATTOO
  3. not quite as hardcore as some, but Devildriver always get me revved right on up!
  4. me and my buddy robbed a store, pawned what we got for an 8th of the cost, then went to Tattoo Alley and got tattooed by Little Brian back in the early 90's.
  5. deco call first, they usually have space but if you're looking to get tattooed by someone specific...
  6. wicked, thank you idyllsend!
  7. any one know if its just plastisol inks they're trying to outlaw?
  8. does anyone know why exactly they are so sensitive to tattoos? i always thought that Sri Lanka was pretty liberal?
  9. i get that kignofcosta, i really do sometimes there just isn't a way around it, and there is times where its just impossible to avoid, but half the fun of tattooing is hustling people into doing their design the right way!!
  10. lettering is by far my favorite thing about tattooing. i get really frustrated when i see artists using stuff they've printed off a computer that lacks spacing and composition. i think looking back into the original sign painting guides is a great thing that tattooers should kind of band together and try to preserve to adapt to lettering, like the old speedball books and things.
  11. hello! this is my introduction and as its spring and the shops are getting busier and busier i will try and keep it short and to the point. my name is York Sandifer, i have been tattooing just barely over 5 years and in that time i have spent the last 3 on a mission to circle the planet headed west while tattooing. i have had one hell of a time since, tattooed all over: Asia, Europe, Africa and the UK. its been a ridiculous ride and i have more stories than i really know what to do with. we are all so blessed to have tattooing in our lives, where camaraderie is built into our skin. i am blessed more than most with the adventures i have experienced. i love tattooing lettering and traditional stuff, i started as a straight street shop tattooer and i stay as close to those roots as i possibly can. i love flash, i love walk in tattoos and drawing shit quick. soon i am headed back to the states after 3.5 years on the road. gonna be quite a shock to the system, I'm plan on trying to connect with new shops and people as i cross from east to west over land. I'm headed to NYC by freighter ship on the 24th of may and will be looking for short term work to help me finish my circumnavigation from mid june on the east coast.
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