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Everything posted by CaptCanada

  1. I don't remember what was the first thread I saw here, but what stuck out was the most painful places to get tattooed...someone mentioned getting getting tattooed up till their finger nails.saw that and said wow these guys are hardcore, let me join these guys.
  2. Yeah, it's amazing how popular that spot got for how painful it actually is..... the good ol' days when women got "badass bitch badges" and men got arm bands that wouldn't wrap all the way around cause they heard the inner arm hurts.
  3. When you have the roof of your mouth single needle shaded, then you have permission to do your head.
  4. This confuses me, why only go to cheap shop for a wrist script? Imagine getting something from say Katie Sellergren. Right off the bat he would have an awesome tattoo that's well written. Sure script on the wrist isn't the best tattoo placement and size wise, but he's 63... even if his wife gets angry so what.
  5. Not only is that Shige's work but that is Uncle Allan's back.
  6. Personally I'm fine with this. Don't need teens to be involved in tattooing. Wait until they grow up to learn about tattoos. I'm sure the school would ask a whiskey maker or a undertaker to leave too. Somethings belong in school some don't.
  7. This thread is full of win...., some great quotes in here.
  8. @slayer9019 that's the back of the leg right? Bet he got some spots that stung.
  9. Well to get back to tattoos. He maybe one of the better of the worst tattooers. Still needs to learn how to draw thought.
  10. Phoenix, Arizona recently put out a concealment policy. Every officer with visible tattoos need them covered while at work..... That means wearing long sleeves in 110+ heat.
  11. @dcostello they also played for vans warp tour as of 2011. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshman_15_(band)
  12. Wow, just looked this crap band up.... they been around since 2002. Although only the singers been in for that long, but still he's shit.
  13. D you should be banned just for posting that..... Hella troll
  14. Well I don't carry anything anymore, when I did back in the states I had a Gerber Gator. Now here in this country I'll be taken to the police station to fill out a report if I have any type of blade..... But two days out of the week I walk around with a 6 foot bo staff, no problems what so ever, go figure.
  15. Unless you are in constant contact with someone speaking with the Osaka dialect I imagine it would be very hard to remember it.... it's almost like an entirely different language.
  16. I'm with Hogg, the translations weren't exact but they didn't leave anything out. Japanese is a funny language, either very short or very long sentences.... just matters how proper your trying to be.
  17. Cause nobody could play the trumpet like he did...... my guess it's some hipster tattoo.
  18. How would covering his face in tattoos make him more attractive? But I'm pretty sure this is just based off of some internet poll. So I'll take it all with a grain of salt.
  19. Calling @Joe Shit Japanese style tattoo artist wanted in Australia.
  20. nice @RoryQ your backpeice is also by Ching correct?
  21. Well after asking a few people, here that book usually goes for around 24,000 yen. But you got yourself something special there. Fun fact: the title is written in very old kanji, so when I was asking my wife about it she said " I don't know I can't read it, this name is to old."
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