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CollinK last won the day on April 19 2014

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  1. Who did this? It's fucking killer! I had my back outlined a few weeks ago by Jason Kelly. Stoked to get back on it! There's going to be a lot more background added, and we're probably going to fill up both ribs and armpits too (fml)
  2. Here are some recent ones for me... Got this guy from Alan Berg Started this with Mat Welch and snagged this Bert Grimm horse from Miguel Olascuaga
  3. Started this last night. Done by Mat Welch
  4. Redrawn picture machine flash done prison style by Alan Berg!
  5. This is the best advice, and it almost always gets overlooked. It applies to everything.
  6. Reallllly bad picture, but I got this lady from Steve Turner while he was guesting at Live Free. I'm super pumped on it.
  7. White will generally turn yellow-ish on me within a year to two years. Everyone is different.
  8. I got this lil' dude on my forearm from Mat Welch yesterday. It's really hard to get a solid picture, but you get the idea...
  9. Just finished up this wild ass dude by Alan Berg
  10. I got this(^) from Cori a week or so ago. Started this guy today(^). Unfortunately, I had to bail early, but it's gonna be sick! By Alan Berg
  11. Thanks! Miguel rules. He's a great dude.
  12. I got some Bob Wicks flash done by Miguel Olascuaga today. Sorry about my swollen arm.
  13. I just got this gar from Mat Welch earlier today. I also got a little beer mug filler from Paul Holland while he was guesting here, but I don't have a picture. I'm pumped on 'em!
  14. Hooper tattoos in Austin at Rock of Ages now.
  15. Thanks dude!
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