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Everything posted by jade1955

  1. I really don't get why someone would want a tattoo that’s been specifically designed for someone else. The copy is never going to be as good as the original. You will ultimately end up disappointed. Its a similar mentality as people buying knock off designer goods. The difference being that when the shitty handbag/watch falls to bits you are not stuck with it for life.
  2. Friday 13th Jan 2001- Stefano C -Lucky 13 Cat Jan-Feb Stewart Robson doing Japanese infills on my right arm End of Jan El Monga- Devils head inner bicep. March Duncan X- Female with cloven hoofs April - Daniel Albrigo, finishing my Cosmic Skull on my abdomen April Friday 13th another 13 tattoo (undecided) I'm hoping to get another one from Mario Desa & Chad Koeplinger as well In 2012 My wifes got work booked in with. Stewart Robson, Oliver Mackintosh, Lucy Prior, Crispy Lennox & Lianne Moule. Next year looking quite busy.
  3. We were talking about this at work the other day. Many years ago I had a job delivering milk to peoples houses. At the time of my misfortunes it was during the winter it was quite icy underfoot. Anyway I slipped up on someones path I had a bottle of milk in my hand. The bottle smashed and badly gashed the palm of my hand. Blood everywhere. My hand required a few stitches and I was off work for three weeks. On my second or third day after returning to work from my accident I must have slipped on icy paths about three or four times. As I was walking back up someones path I slipped again and I just lost the plot. I screamed something like "Fucking cunt" and kicked this gate post as hard as I could. I gingerly limped back to my milk float. I managed to carry on for about half and hour but my big toe was killing me. I phoned the dairy and told them I had dropped a crate of milk on my foot. Back to the hospital for an xray. Broken big toe another 4 weeks off work. Mind you not as good as my workmates dad. He was taken to hospital after he hit himself on the head with a hammer. WTF.
  4. Thats just insane. I bet theres some bad shit going on in that cops life. It dosn't even seem that a particularly heated argument took place either (that's no good reason to pull a gun on someone). So he just calmly pulled out his gun and shot this guy?
  5. @Gregor Thanks Gregor. He's a pretty hard cock as well.
  6. My wife was in today getting her neck tattooed by Stefano C. It's a bit red and sore looking where its been shaded, but he's done a fantastic job
  7. Cock tattoo. Tattooed by Emiliano Liberatori, Frith Street
  8. @Reyeslv He took a picture with his camera. He hasn't posted anything yet though.
  9. Waiting for the train. My last tattoo of 2011. I'm getting a cock tattoo.
  10. I ordered a couple of books recently from Bookmistress the postage is a bit steep but I got the books within a couple of days of them being shipped to the UK.
  11. @RoryQ When did you pop in? I was getting my back tattooed by Emiliano last Saturday between 12:30-3.30pm.
  12. Well if that dosn't convince the parole board, I don't know what will.
  13. A graphic example of why its not a very good idea to text & pick your nose with a large knife while driving.
  14. If she'd had enough money she could have had the "re" tattooed on the end.
  15. I'd love a Wilson Combat 911 but UK gun laws prohibit handguns and semi-auto centrefire firearms. The strange thing is don't some States in the USA not allow silencers or high cap magazines. No problem over here though.
  16. I wouldn't worry too much. I don't think any great harm is going to happen to your tattoo if it gets a little dry. It's part of the natural healing process. I use a very small amount of Aquaphor the first few days then I switch to E45 cream. I tend to put a little bit more cream on the tattoo after it has "flaked" to counter the itchyness, caused by the tattooed area drying out. From what I've been told and through personal experience lotions do nothing to aid the healing process, your own body will take care of that part. Basically I look at a tattoo as an open wound. Now if I had an open wound due to an injury the last thing I would be doing is constantly putting lotion on it. The wound has to dry out, to a certain extent, in order to heal. Personaly I use creams and lotions to make the tattooed area feel a bit a little more comfortable during the healing process. If you are sufffering like crazy from itchyness you are probobly stuck with the stripping off every so often to put on some lotion as your clothes will absorb most of it during the day.
  17. This with a little acacia honey & semi skimmed milk.
  18. I always have a good idea what I want. For me its important to choose the tattooer based on what they specialise in and excel at. I also take into account if I think the tattooer will enjoy doing the tattoo. If their heart isn't in it, it will show in the finished tattoo. Sometimes I will make my choice from some recent flash that the tattooer has produced. Of course the tattooer is going to be well up for it. I get a great looking tattoo and the tattooer has fun doing it. Like @Iwar said, though, its always exciting seeing the stencil for the first time.
  19. Japanese Happy Sad. Tattooed by Stewart Robson, Frith Street, London. UK
  20. Tattooed by Stewart Robson, Frith Street
  21. ROA is on my list. Just because I'm an atheist it doesn’t exclude me from appreciating the power and beauty of religious imagery. For me a tattoo doesn’t have to have a deep symbolic meaning or any meaning at all. If I like the image and want it tattooed that’s it.
  22. @asradin Yep I sure did. Shame about yours though, mate.
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