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El Dolmago

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Posts posted by El Dolmago

  1. 2 hours ago, marley mission said:

    @Graeme I definetly am - I have wanted to go to Montreal since I was a kid - grew up a Gary Carter fan and my parents had a trip planned for us to go see an Expos game, be tourists, etc - then...Carter gets traded and I also go to the Mets in the trade :) Trip cancelled

    anyway - lots of good info in your post - I would guess I would make an appt and go from there 

    btw - you scheduled for tattoos yet? You were trying for Rob last year right?

    MTL is an amazing city - I can't get there enough. 

  2. Now that the upload function is working again I'll post the blowout issue I had. I really think there is a difference in what happened on my arm and a couple of fuzzy lines. All tattoos are a little off doesn't really apply here.

    Again, good tattooer, great shop, bad luck. The problem is that I hate it but my current artist is going to try a couple of things to fix it.

    First image is Last Week (its about 10 mos)



    The next day


    This a month or so after.


  3. Hi all - it' seems in the move we've lost all the directly uploaded to the forum (ie not hotlinked from an image site or linked from gallery) images.

    Also, I was wondering if we could bring that functionality back? There are images I don't really want in a gallery (unfinished tattoos or examples of a problem [blowout]) that I'd like to provide visual examples of without having to subscribe to photobucket etc. Thanks all! :1_grinning:

  4. Blowout can really depend on severity. I have a couple of lines in the ditch that fuzzed out a bit - and you would never notice and I have a simple line tattoo that blew out pretty spectacularly from a good artist who I've seen a lot of work from, it can just happen. There really is a difference between an imperfection (which is cool) and spread (which is not).

    The significant blowout is on the inside of my bicep - it's fragile skin and can happen. I was brutally bruised and I think that contributed to the spread. My sister got the exact same tattoo, same artist, same day on the inside of her wrist - hers is perfect. I'll admit I was quite upset about it (not at the artist - just that it happened) but wanted to wait to see how much of the blowout my body would deal with on it's own. It's been about 10 months and the spread has lightened quite a bit but it's still very noticeable.  When talked to my artist who is working on my sleeve (not the same artist as the blowout) he said it can just happen, that it's happened to him as well. He's is going to try and see if he can help it by disrupting the skin and not adding more pigment - if not we'll just thicken up the lines. I'll let you know how it goes.

  5. The tattoo I got when I was 17 was a small design on my ankle from a biker named Rocky - 25 years later it's fuzzy, dated and unrecognisable but I still don't regret it. Nervous is natural (I get nervous every time and have a holy crap what did I do moment after) but your choice of design is great and you're doing it right. 

  6. On 5/14/2016 at 0:31 PM, otisc said:

    In six days, I'm going back for the next stage in this sleeve.

    Has anyone had their linework done and grown attached to it? Don't get me wrong - I'm eager for the next stage... but I've grown fond of my linework and in a weird way am kinda gonna miss it.


    Ha! Yes! I've been walking around with my forearm linework for 5 weeks now and I'm equally jonesing to be done and being very attached to it!

  7. On 4/29/2016 at 8:47 PM, otisc said:

    Day 6 and my line work has started a nice peel. My forearm is itching like mad... but looking closer, I think it's a myth that the tattoo is what itches. It's really the tiny little stubble hairs growing back from being shaved!

    Funny I don't have enough hair to bother shaving and my forearm itched like crazy!

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