I've had unwanted attention over the years - though not recently living in Toronto as it's a big city with a lot of tattoos. When I lived in the interior of BC I got a lot more unwanted attention. But with my new arm piece I'm expecting for the grabbing to restart.
On a related issue I'm working at a big (2000 guests) academic conference here in the city next month and have to wear a conference T-Shirt (ick), which of course means cardigan and long sleeve shirt while I'm on the desk. Though many of the academics there will be awesome I know there are always the silverbacks that I don't want judging me and my CV by the ink I've chosen (and LOVE). Been a long time since I've had to think about covering from a uniform. My students did get to see my (healing) ink last week as it was just too hot during their exam and I took my cardigan off because I was dying. Luckily reviews are already in and I don't care :). I did get to sneak in a tutorial about tattooing in WWI and WWII - now they know why!