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Posts posted by omeletta

  1. I'm totally with you!

    When I had the side of my thigh tattooed it took only three hours but I had to ask for breaks a couple of times because my lower back was killing me. I've had lower back problems in the past, so I just did a some quick stretching/mobility exercises that I'd learnt and it got better for a short while. The tattooer did organise some paper towel piles to put under the leg as a cushion but it wasn't enough really. I took a mental note at the time to bring a decent cushion next time.

    As it happens, I will actually get the other thigh done next weekend, so thanks for reminding me ;-)

    I guess I'm going to feel somewhat awkward to run around at a convention with a massive pillow under my arm but I'm glad to hear that there are others with similar problems...

  2. I think I'll be there on Saturday to get tattooed. I'm somewhat unsure though, as I haven't been asked to pay a deposit or anything. I kinda thought this was normal procedure, but maybe not all tattooers do this?? I've sent an email asking for clarification anyway, hoping it's not too dumb a question :-/

    Assuming it really happens, I might well be up for a quick pint afterwards if anyone is around!

  3. Get a skull.

    I'm confused. What happened to the good ol' panther? Too trendy??

    Sol, you're saying there is a nice spot on your arm where it'll fit, that indicates to me that you have a few tattoos already...so just put it there if you fancy it and don't worry. Sounds like it's not gonna be the only/first tattoo someone will look at, but rather one of many. IMHO, that's a difference somehow. Although it's probably not worth stressing about it anyway...

  4. That doesn't sound good. As it's possible to have an allergic reaction to it, it's advisable to check this beforehand and put a piece on before actually using it to heal a tattoo.

    I did this a couple of days before my tattoo and left it on for about 24h, just to make sure.

    Also, from what I could gather it might be worth trying another brand of 'derm'. Even if you're not reacting well to one of them doesn't mean you'll have a problem with all. This might make sense for @Dan too, BTW. I believe it shouldn't hurt that much and I think I've read somewhere this might be due to a mild allergic reaction or so, too...?

    Did you take it off under the shower?

  5. Thanks @Patrick Bateman!

    Day 2 with Emily done, and boy am I so very glad that is over. Was quite a mental challenge today, the left side of my body seems to be more sensitive than the right, and I stupidly saved the left thigh till the second day. Here is the tiger, and I stitched both pics together so you get an idea how they look together. No photos of the horse today as she is swollen and distorted.

    May I officially hate you please? How many pieces by Emily have you got now...four or so?!

    I couldn't possibly live further away unfortunately, but I will save my left arm for her...one day it will happen, yeah yeah!

  6. Hm, I would have called it neo traditional, although some parts are admittedly quite realistic.

    Anyway, a few more in UK/Europe (maybe keep an eye on them in case they travel?)


    Matt Adamson

    Sneaky Mitch

    Marco Schmidgunst

    Anthony Cole

    Lauren Jayne Gow


    A bit more your way perhaps (sorry, if they are super far from where you are...from my point of view, they are roughly your direction ;-)):

    Rose Hardy (NYC)

    Eckel (just re-located to Vancouver)


  7. My mum came over to stay for christmas and I'm not good a keeping secrets from her (and there barely is a reason anyway). I didn't want her to 'accidently' find out about my first tattoo, so I thought it better to tell her about it. After having read about so many rather negative reactions on here, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I was sure she wouldn't be super angry with me, but major disappointment would have been a possibility.

    So, the two of us had an evening out and the conversation went something like this:

    Me: Mum, I actually bought something with the money you gave me for my birthday.

    Her: Oh good, what is it, something nice?

    Me: Well, I do think so, but I'm not sure you'll like it...

    Her: It's your money and you can do with it whatever you like. What is it then? ...[her being really curious now and trying to guess]...a gun?!? [We're German, so this would have been very unusual and rather unpopular. And yet, I found it rather odd that this was the first thing that came to her mind.]

    Me : Hell no!

    Her: [Comes up with another totally weird guess which I can't even remember]

    Me: No, nothing like that....I got tattooed....

    Her: Ah...I see...what is it? And where? Can I see it?

    Me: I got a lynx head and some flowers on my thigh. [And no, I couldn't show it as we were in a public space.]

    Her: Does it have a special meaning?

    Me: Not really, I just fancied it.

    Her: So it's more like decoration?

    Me: Yes!

    Her: Fair enough....Are you gonna wear hot pants in summer?

    Me: Err....what? No, I wasn't planning to. I'm not a teenager anymore...

    Her: What about a swimsuit, will it be visible then?

    Me: Well, it would be, but you know I don't really go swimming very often.

    Her: So it's pretty much always hidden?!? Can I see it later?


    At the end the of the day, the hardest thing to understand for her seemed to be, that I wasn't planning to show off the tattoo as such. Phew. Could have been worse.

    When I later mentioned that I was indeed thinking about getting another tattoo, this seemed to stretch it somewhat though. I guess little bits of information from time to time will be a better approach in this case... ;-)

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