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Everything posted by Zillah

  1. NZ Tattoo & Art Festival – Artists Horimasa, Horiken, and Horishin are coming!
  2. I've asked my local artist to do his own take on a rose-panther morph. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with... hopefully something awesome that I can get stat!
  3. Steam Summer Sale! Just finally got around to getting Bioshock Infinite for $9.99 on today's daily deal...
  4. Sounds like a good idea going to the support group. Do you have someone to help you with the mundane stuff while you are grieving?
  5. Big hugs @Colored Guy, and deepest sympathies. Thanks for sharing your journey here, and I hope you can find comfort in the days to follow.
  6. Sorry @SeeSea. It's always a hard and horrible time.
  7. I actually feel better now, reading these :-)
  8. Oh well... 51% of people fail the first time apparently...
  9. I failed my driving test :( Friday the 13th, on a full moon, what was I thinking when I made that appointment?
  10. You guys make me laugh. Thank you :o
  11. I used to be able to use tapatalk but they appear to want me to sign in with a password for the forum now, when I connect with Facebook... damn I regret signing up through Facebook...
  12. I'm not sure I agree with the 'alternative way of viewing the female body' part, but they ARE gorgeous. I want one!
  13. Tattooed Porcelain Dolls Offer An Alternative Way Of Viewing The Feminine Body
  14. OMG he is GORGEOUS!
  15. I saved a half finished copy of my assignment over my finished assignment and had to rewrite half of it :(
  16. Thanks for asking! He is a very expensive but perfectly healthy bunny now. He either passed a small obstruction or was clinically depressed. Either was a real possibility!
  17. 7.5 hours for my koi. I thought I was going to suddenly throw up after about 5 hours but a took a bathroom break and it passed.
  18. Hugs and best wishes, @Colored Guy. I hope your wife's remaining time is comfortable and peaceful.
  19. My rabbit Kneel is sick and at the vet- which has cost me $925 so far and they still don't know what is wrong with him :( He is refusing to eat, and needs to be force fed. No obstruction, no teeth problems- just wont eat.
  20. That's pretty rough, @Colored Guy Are there many support resources for family as carers where you are?
  21. You can do it @MadeIndelible, and you have a cheer team here. I beat a 10 year alcohol addiction problem 11 years ago, it turns you into a new, more resourceful person with better coping strategies. Perseverance... keep reaching for that next rock to pull you out of the hole. Hugs.
  22. Zillah


    By Nick Agnew from Kingsland Ink, Auckland, New Zealand
  23. Seems to be a bit more conservative that way here, though it could depend on the hospital. I'm fortunate enough to work in Mental Health, where they are less worried about that sort of thing. When I eventually get tattooed on my forearms like I'm intending to it shouldn't be a big deal.
  24. Nurses in medical surgical can't wear sleeves below the elbow, for reasons relating to infection control, at least over here. Which is interesting because doctors don't have to. So I guess uniforms can be an exception. That still leaves plenty of real estate elsewhere.
  25. I wish I knew. It's been bugging me that I have something tattooed on me that I don't know what the hell it is. I was too embarrassed to ask. Thank you for not knowing either ;-)
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