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Taylor Killings

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Everything posted by Taylor Killings

  1. The only reason I mention that is because I believe that I have the necessary tools of running a successful shop, but just not for money. I love the art of tattoos and have 6 tattoos already and counting. I want my shop to be an artist forward shop, working as a team and always learning new things. I'm all for my artists and helping them help themselves. While I do realize I am running a business, my artists are also running their own business under me. I don't want to do a 60/40 split because I feel as if that's being robbed. So I am asking for booth rental, while I also advertise for them and bring in customers. I don't think what I'm trying to do is as bad as y'all make it out to be. I'm also about to start on my apprenticeship if that helps.
  2. I come from a line of entrepreneurs. That is my main focus. I am currently working on an apprenticeship, and learning about the art of tattooing. However, I don't believe that disqualifies me from being able to run a shop since I know the ins and outs of it. - - - Updated - - - It's a name based off of the university I go to. The shop will be within walking distance and catering to the 36,000 students that go there. The mascot is the Eagle, and the eagle's name is Scrappy. It's original to say the least. - - - Updated - - - It was a typo and was supposed to say entrepreneurship and broadcast journalism. Entrepreneurship is by far my strong suit, but I decided to pick up a second major. - - - Updated - - - What's wrong with it?
  3. Hi, my name is Taylor and I am a double major at the University of North Texas. I am majoring in Entrepreneurship and Broadcast journalism and I'm preparing to open a tattoo shop within walking distance of my university that currently has 36,000 students enrolled. My shop will be open jan 2015, and I'm in the hiring process of artists. You may contact me at [email protected]. Thanks
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