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Marlena Rozenberg

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  1. Thank you very much :)
  2. haha that comment really make me laugh! i'll do my best to sneak it into the paper somehow :D
  3. Thank you very much for taking the survey, I really appreciate it! Thank you for making your point. It's quite a shame that it's not very welcomed but I understand and respect that. So here's my tattoo :) What do you think? My research is looking into tattoos and people's attitude towards them, however, my main focus is on tattoos and regret they cause. There's many people out there who decide to get a tattoo and then, suddenly, after some time they realize that that's not who they are and it has a negative impact on them. Sometimes it causes so much distress and anxiety that they decide to get their tattoos cover up or even to remove them. I think that how people perceive the permanency of tattoos is a very interesting side of tattoos. I'm trying to find how different personality aspects affect people's decision to get a tattoo as well as whether there is a relation between personality traits and tattoo regret and whether certain abilities are linked to such decisions. Some people decide to live with the regret, they accept it, other don't - and that is interesting. I understand the point about the benefits that tattooing would get from a research like mine. Probably none, because people do whatever they want to do even if you prove that they will regret their decisions in the future. However, maybe some people will find the research interesting and think twice before they get a tattoo. It is important for me to get data from people who love their tattoos as well as from people who regret them (also people who have no tattoos at all) to examine whether there are personality differences and similarities between them. I personally find it very interesting. When I got my tattoo done I was thrilled. I had thought my decision through, but I was thinking whether it's too big or whether it will have an effect on my future. I still think about it sometimes but I know I'm happy with it and what it represents. I'm wondering, though, whether I might be one of those people, who in 10 years time realize that they didn't want to get a tattoo and that they had a wrong agenda when getting it. There's a very interesting TED talk by Kathry Schulz (Don’t regret regret: Kathryn Schulz on TED.com | TED Blog) on personality and tattoo regret. I wanted to explore that topic a little bit and go further than most of the research that have been done.
  4. This is an international hi! So I've lived in London for nearly 3 years now but originally I'm from Poland. For a long time I'd been neutral about tattoos, found some of them beautiful, some of them ugly, never been critical or specially in favour of them either. Possibly because my parents tried to encourage me to get a tattoo (ironically, none of them has a tattoo up until this day!) when I was 16, so for me somehow the idea of getting a tattoo to be 'different' or to 'rebel' against my parents just wasn't there (don't get me wrong, now I don't think that tattoos are a sign of rebellion but as a 16 year old this is what I thought). I'm also scared of pain (hate pain and cold!), so that was another aspect of tattooing that was really putting me off it. However, around a year ago my perspective on tattoos started changing. I started travelling more, being more independent and experiencing new things. I went to Australia for an exchange from university and this is when I decided that I wanted to get a tattoo. I suddenly became fascinated by them, they started to have a completely different meaning to me and the pain didn't play much role any more. My adventure with tattoos started when I went to Thailand last summer. I was quite tempted to get a tattoo done there because I knew it would be cheaper than anywhere in London. I spent a month in Thailand and it was the best time of my life. I had gone through so much before I got there and had experienced so many amazing things in Thailand so it made a perfect sense to me to get a tattoo done in a place that really opened my eyes and was a breaking point in my life. I did loads of research before choosing a tattoo parlour (in the end went to Max Tattoo in Bangkok), however, I spent a little bit less time on choosing the design. I had loads of ideas but ended up getting a pocket watch with a map of the world in the background on my forearm. The piece is beautiful and I'm really happy that I had it done! I've had it for just as long as 8 months and any time I feel upset or lose motivation, I look at it and remember what I felt at the time of getting it and how much it is to put effort into things you really want. I have only one tattoo for now, but I'm thinking of getting more in the future. For now, however, my adventure with tattoos is continuing as my university project. I'm a 3rd year Psychology student and I'm conducting a research on personality and attitudes towards tattoos. I was wondering if I could post a link to my study on this forum, so I would be able to obtain data from a reliable source of people who are truly interested and passionate about tattoos? The study is a short questionnaire which takes about 15 minutes to complete. I'd really appreciate your time if you complete it. https://cityss.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_eaO6FsmQ8VzCdJX I would also appreciate if I got permission to post the link to the study in other threads in this forum. I am not going to do so without a permission from Admins of the forum out of respect to the community and I don't want to spam the forum.
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