I had some crazy girl flip out on one of my Pinterest tattoo pins (yes, I know how much this forum hates Pinterest, but whatever, I guess---I always credit the source, and post the artist and the shop when I can find them) and go off about how tattoos are stupid, tattoos are trendy, her husband, who is a 300lb former NFL linebacker (because apparently I care) hates his tattoos and wishes he had never gotten them, blah blah blah. This was completely out of the blue, and not someone I know. Even after being gently reminded that just because she doesn't like them, it does't mean others don't, she wouldn't shut up, or stop posting random things about how much tattoos suck. I finally gave up, called her a bitch (not proud of that, but I was pretty hot at that point) reported her, and blocked her from my page. Checked the next day, and her account was completely deleted, so I'm guessing I'm not the only one she went after. I don't get it---if it doesn't affect you, SHUT UP ABOUT IT.
@growltiger I'm guessing the whole getting tattooed during pregnancy is like the recommendations about sushi and pregnancy. All the numbered reasons you posted are valid, but probably very, very unlikely. Chances are very, very slim it could cause an issue, but no professional is going to take the chance and tell you it's okay (or agree to tattoo you).