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Everything posted by MLNYC

  1. Gorilla from Chad
  2. Got this one from Chad whilst he was at smith street last week. Top dude, real good experience
  3. New one from Koji Ichimaru whilst he was at NY adorned
  4. couple more new ones... Really enjoying it!
  5. I wouldn't say its a problem to walk around with visible tattoos in high end hotels. People just tend to presume you're someone 'famous' very ironic but can be funny.
  6. Still very new to this wasn't going to post it but fuck it right... Absolutely love painting, this is my latest attempt..Also this thread / forum is nothing but inspirational so thank you to everyone on here.
  7. The Jeff Rassier leopard/snake is fucking dopeee
  8. lining my whole back next saturday, Not looking forward to it at all but will get through it and post photos on here! Christian Peters is doing it.
  9. this looks dope!
  10. OH and another thing, not always from people with no tattoos but more of than not only 1 or 2 at work when I ask what they are looking to have tattooed often they tell me then ask if I want to know the story / reason behind it...9 times out of 10. No i don't.
  11. Was recently at a party uptown in NY and had trust fund / rich / spoilt girls genuinely ask me how i support myself / live whilst having tattoos. No joke.. When i asked why they hadn't got tattoos themselves they simply said, because ' father would cut me off and not pay my rent' i looked blankly for a second then walked off.... They lived a 20 minute train ride to Brooklyn and had never been, even though they had lived in NY their entire life. Blew my mind for a couple of minutes then just thought how lucky I was to not be them.
  12. I often wake up and feel that i want to get tattooed that day so i just head over to smith st or green point and go and pick a recent painting from one of the guys, or ill have a time space booked and turn up and just talk until we decide on something...some of my best and favorite tattoos have come from approaching it like this, I don't feel there should be a correct process or time frame to getting them, i just love it!!! haha
  13. Avoid Manhattan is the best advice you will receive, just go in to the specific tattoo stores then get out ASAP haha. NYC is brilliant though for sure
  14. thats awesome man! could you message me or put me in touch, i'd absolutely love to go along. thanks
  15. Hi guys, I know I'm quite new to the forum.. But I've noticed a couple of other people on here are based in NY / Brooklyn.. I paint most nights of the week and would love to get together with like minded people. I live between Bedford / marcy and am happy to meet up wherever for a couple of beers and some painting! Really doesn't matter if you have been painting 20 years or 2 weeks, just think it would be a good laugh! If anyones interested let me know! Miles
  16. yeah I live on S4 / Bedford! where are you at?
  17. I like to get a couple off of certain artists not to many more! Christian peters has done a bunch on me, but i have one half of an arm that is saved specifically for artists around the world when im out in Australia etc.. much prefer a collection from round the world, feels more like a story to me.
  18. Jason Ochoa - GreenPoint Tattoo, Brooklyn. Straight off the wall, great guy!
  19. the worst part of my front by FAR was the sides of my stomach under my ribs. So happy i never have to hit that ever again
  20. New one from my buddy - Christian Peters - Lotus tattoo. Super happy with it one of the nicest guys too.
  21. This is going to be my first convention in America! Im stoked to be working and checking it out! Hopefully get to meet some of you guys who inspire me on here!
  22. Dan santoro did this for me as a walk in a couple of days ago! Waited 7 years so feels good to have waited and finally got it done. - - - Updated - - - Also I finished my torso very recently so here's a photo of it
  23. MLNYC

    New - saying hi

    Hey, I have tattoos from.. Steve boltz - scorpion on my wrist Bailey hunter robinson - heart and hands, liberty torch on my arm Dan santoro - devil on my shin and very recently a rose on my hand Bert krak - a cross and flower on my arm Claudia de sabe - big Ben, a dagger both on my arm Valerie Vargas - a leopard on my arm Stewart robson - the love statue on my palm Mathh - a whole bunch on my legs arm and a little butterfly on my hand Christian Peters - devil and eye on my arm, also colored / reworked my entire torso.. Ouch.. Ashley love - Londoner on my knuckles Eric michalovic -wolf on my arm and rose in on my chest. also have my right leg shin to ankle and some more on my thighs on my travels from random people / nights... as for photos I will figure out how to attach them, Also apologies if I spelt anyones name wrong I'm typing on a iPad that hates me.
  24. After traveling frequently over the last two years - averaging 40-50 flights a year I feel that having tattoos and traveling can be a little frustrating. I have obvious tattoos and I feel some countries tend to single you out alot more, I frequently get 'randomly ' searched. Far more than the average. Also living in New York on a visa and frequently coming in and out the customs officials never say anything negative, normally just ask the very standard tattoo questions... I have learnt to accept it and just be polite.
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