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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. Seriously?!? He is fast. I feel like I'm trucking along at a third that pace.
  2. @Ragen - spectacular! I keep coming back to your back - just amazing! It flows on your body so well.
  3. Some of this stuff is unbelievably cute! However, the high-waisted popcorn bikini is, um, NOT! O_o
  4. Thanks @misterJ and @jimmyirish - i just love the bright colors of the sea. The armpit, yeah, not so much. I know the shading will keep inching onto my sides, but I don't know how far! I think it's better he just keeps me guessing.
  5. Latest (unfinished) addition to my back. Badly bruised, especially under my arm where you can't see. We couldn't finish the details, and the scales are barely started. He said my skin was done for the night. I hate to put up something so incomplete, but it's going to be forever before the last layers go on anything and I'm impatient!
  6. SeeSea


    What a dick. Well, there are several philosophies about healing a tattoo, and looks like this one didn't work for you. Sucks. Ask around here - you'll get recommendations for better artists. Is a cover-up a possibility?
  7. I am sooo bruised and still leaking a lot. Sides up to the armpit are just can't take the abuse. There will be no nice shiny "after" pictures of this one.
  8. Needs fire. You could easily have flames shooting out of the manatee's butt if you worked the Hindenburg aspect to it.
  9. Just woke up after a late night session #7 on mine. Have a great time!
  10. Gaaaaah. That special feeling of pooling blood, ink and plasma dripping down your back under the saran wrap, waking up after a late night session. Definitely brewing some coffee before dealing with this mess. Bummed, we couldn't finish up all the details on the angelfish scales last night because he said my skin couldn't take any more abuse. Hate having unfinished sections.
  11. My hairdresser always asks to see the progress on my back every time I go in for a haircut. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Going in for more on my back tonight. (Oh boy does *that* sound inappropriate.) Trying to get my head into the game.
  13. Nice! Thanks for the reference. Time to order some stuff online.
  14. ^^^ Whoa. This could make Tupperware parties a thing of the past.
  15. I was inspired to get mine right after she passed, because the awesome hospital (Red Bank Veterinary Hospital, NJ) made nice ink paw prints for me. I think it will always be my favorite tattoo.
  16. Yeah, I could see that! @irezumi made the suggestion in another thread about a guy wanting a picture of a car wreck because he survived a bad accident. And of course, his request for ideas quickly disintegrated into panthers, dragons, etc.
  17. @Zillah - sorry to hear! I don't know about rabbits, but I give one of my older cats 1/4 Pepcid to help her appetite. We did that with a dog as well - maybe your vet might think this could help? Molly the cat is also losing her sense of smell, so I warm her food and she "finds" it more easily. - - - Updated - - - I know, like, RIGHT?!? I mean, seriously, I don't know why we can't express the inner meaning, like, because it's what I'm really FEELING, you know? I have the word "believe" in Comic Sans on my side in 2 inch letters. I need to be able to see it in the mirror every morning and night, so I remember to believe in myself, because every day the world just wants to tear me down, and it's really hard, you know, to just turn away from the HATERS who just have to hate, so if no one else will, I have to believe in myself, you know? I don't know why no one here likes letters, I mean, that means you can READ it, right? Otherwise, how would I know that a rose would mean for me to believe in myself? although a rose is very beautiful, but could mean other things. I want people to know that I believe in myself and I am strong enough to show the world that. I also have each letter in a slightly different color, to represent a rainbow, because every day is different, with different challenges, so every day I may have to feel differently to truly believe in myself, otherwise it might not feel real to me, you know? But since all the letters are outlined in really solid black, I don't think anyone here could really be that much upset about it, I mean, like, really?
  18. I was kinda partial to the dragon vs panther vs car battle royale.
  19. I hope Chloe continues to get comfortable in the house and you continue the play and bonding. I don't know your history with cats (not sure I want to, LoL!) but I had one who turned into an awesome little perceptive kitty when I was in a bad place. (I have her exact paw prints, pad colors and all, tattooed on my shoulder where she used to rest her paws. But that's one of those "meaningful" tattoo explanations that I know isn't tolerated much around here ;) )
  20. @Colored Guy - your .sig is sooo inappropriate for this thread!
  21. You've got an extra "http://" in the link. Try this. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/2598-things-shot-arrows.html
  22. Hi @PinkUnicorn - I wish I could wave a wand and make it so! I agree, there is a log jam, but some of it is law over which the FDA has incomplete control. I'll try to give a high-level view to a complicated situation. Regulations in the US and Europe are different - it's easier for products to get onto the market in Europe because the bar for safety and efficacy (if and how well the drug works) is lower outside the US. The safety-vs-speed pendulum leans more to the "safety" side over here. Now this doesn't mean that FDA thinks a person is overall more safe by not allowing a product to enter the market, but that the drug has solid evidence to back up that it is safe and effective for use. I can't speak to the specific sun screen applications because I don't review drugs (I review devices), but some don't have sufficient evidence that they are 1) safe and 2) do what they claim to do. Here is a much cited example of US vs. Europe regulatory actions to illustrate this pendulum - the drug Thalidomide. It was prescribed as "completely safe" for morning sickness in the 50's/60's in Europe (the manufacturer had NO EVIDENCE to support this claim). Thalidomide was submitted to FDA but had not yet received US approval. Pressure was on FDA to approve the drug, but one scientist in FDA pushed back that adequate data to support safety and effectiveness was not provided. While this drama was in progress, 2000 babies in 46 countries were born with tragic birth defects (anyone recall babies with deformed hands/feet, no arms, etc.?) FDA declined to approve the drug, and it was eventually withdrawn elsewhere. Anyway, this is a very obvious example of the difference between the two regulatory pathways. (I've also munged prescription regulation vs. over-the-counter regulation but for illustrative purposes.) Regarding sunscreen and those ingredients ... this isn't all on FDA - it's also solidly in the lap of our Congress. FDA doesn't make laws - Congress makes laws that FDA has to enforce. FDA is bound by this part of the Food and Drug Act. There are other mechanisms such as the TEA process (Time and Extent Process) which is being used to get some of those European sunscreen ingredients allowed in the US, but this also requires rule-making, a period for public comment, and getting data for safety/effectiveness after an ingredient has been used for 5 years in the EU. (A cynic might speculate that the US is waiting for bad shit to happen elsewhere, and when it doesn't, the ingredient might be ok. This can allow a US manufacturer to avoid some/all costly clinical trials.) For those interested, more detail at a higher level is here: Regulatory Explainer: Understanding the Regulation of New Sunscreen Ingredients. The approval process, if implemented in a timely manner, is not a bad process. The "timely manner" is the hard part. I could go on and on about challenges and inefficiencies, unethical manufacturers, political pressures to subvert safety for the sake of profits, etc. But those are stories meant to be told to the accompaniment of adult beverages.
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