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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. Seriously. Although, with backpieces like this, it really IS all about the piece. Our backs are just sort-of flat square footage to show off a really cool tattoo. I'm not sure how to word this the way I want to. I don't think people even see someone with a backpiece as a person - the piece just grabs your entire attention. You just become the vehicle with which to hold up the art.
  2. @Graeme - I just love that design - one of my favorite so far. And I'm not just sayin' that because your Instagram bare butt is cute ;-) j/k! Really really nice. @Shaggy - color - yay!
  3. This has a lot of potential. Take this drawing to a tattoo artist as a reference. I'm sure they can transform it so it all fits very nicely together. That's part of their job.
  4. Water color / trash polka tattoos likely won't stand the test of time - the tattoo will be less recognizable if there isn't enough black. At least that's what LST has beaten into me :-) But solid outlines make sense. The tattoo you posted is kind of interesting but it's not easily recognizable as koi IMO. Haha I searched LST for Koi upstream/downstrean/color meaning and it turns out I did this once before. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/15-latest-tattoo-lowdown-page609.html#post95503 I like that this tattoo is signed because it keeps with the culture/language. Perhaps add the quote in Japanese script? Crazy thought. I think script in English would look bizarre around a koi. You could do a Japanese-inspired sleeve with the koi swimming up/down and add a band at the bottom/wrist area and incorporate lettering in there. It would be in the tattoo but not as in-your-face. I can't find a picture of what I'm talking about but I'm sure someone here can chime in.
  5. You make it sound like I go chasing this stuff! [emoji56] I tripped across this in a running or outdoor magazine last week and took a picture to amuse my girl friends. I mean, it's a pretty nice specimen and all. Too bad he's not getting a nice PANTHER tattooed or anything.
  6. :: smacks forehead :: LOL - ya got me good! Yes, a bit hard to read when typing on the phone!!!
  7. Lol, ya did good. What kind of sports are you thinking of? Did you do a sport to lose weight? Could be related to that. Like the winged runner's foot, whatever that thing is called.
  8. Gillette Body Razor for Men: Shaving : Walmart.com Marketing is a wonderful thing. Funny thing is, this is just the women's pink Venus razor in more manly colors. Like they haven't already figured out how to deal with "rough terrain" yet. Pah.
  9. :: rim shot :: And again, beverage of choice, out my nose.
  10. I have a wedding in a couple weeks and I'm in a quandary what to do. I think I'll have to let my husband make the call, as he knows these people a lot longer than I do, even though I've known them for a while. The cardigan is a good idea so I have the option to leave it on if I choose to consider a skimpier dress up top.
  11. @keepcalm - that is really beautiful! (It looks like he photoshopped a little of the bleedy out!)
  12. @Mick Weder - out of Boston, MA USA. Several flavors, but Crisp Apple takes the cake. Also recently discovered to be a delightful Post Scrub Recovery Drink. And of course, a gratuitous M̶o̶r̶m̶o̶n̶ MONMON cat :)
  13. I know this is a really old post, but it had me laughing and cringing at the same time!
  14. @Mick Weder - two great stories! You sound like a pretty cool dude (and of course being a cider-lover gets you lots of extra points). I'm liking breaking people's assumptions, but in the opposite way. I have no visible tattoos. The few times I've shown my back or shown a picture. "I never thought you'd be the type of person to do something like that!" I've a lot of schooling and am an engineer working in a somewhat visible federal position, so I'm pretty much the opposite of "thug looking," so I think I'm educating the other half as well.
  15. If you just got the tattoo, the "oily/slippery" could be the dried plasma on the skin. Gently rub that with your fingers until it goes away and you feel the raw (generally raised/abused) skin. You only get a couple showers do to that and get it all off. IMHO, not making sure all the blood/plasma is removed the first day or so leads to more scabbing, although you can't prevent scabbing all together.
  16. I'm with you on that one - floating fish stickers! Looks cool - like the placement. Looking forward to the finished product!
  17. The biomech sleeve looks pretty awesome settled in. I wonder what it will look like down the road.
  18. @marley mission, @misterJ, @Fala, @Mick Weder, @Shaggy - thanks! For so long, it looked like a random bunch of fish stickers plastered to my back. I'm pretty stoked that it's finally coming together and looking cohesive.
  19. Anyone else planning to use this thread for one of their first 10 useless posts?
  20. Angry Orchard. A crisp morning blend. :D Actually, I think I'll have another. I believe we get Bulmers as Magners in the US. I know I've had it somewhere along the line but there are several flavors and I don't think we can get them all. Awesome! Travel fun and good times to be had. Thumbs up on the shark - pictures please.
  21. Cool. Thanks for sharing. It was easier to understand by NOT reading the lyrics.
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