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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. @CaitlinBurnett10 - can't wait to see the results! It's good you are giving her free reign, although if there is some aspect you are partial to, you should tell her. But I sense that you already know this. :) I did the same thing - I gave my tattoo artist about 50 underwater pictures I'd taken and asked him to design a sea scene. He emailed me the final design and it blew me away. I didn't change a thing. "Half ass" - LOL! Lessee, no tramp stamps for me, I'm getting a half ass tattoo!
  2. @Vinn - Awesome! Congratulations on a huge milestone. I am looking forward to saying the same thing - looking all that healing in the rear view mirror! While the whole thing is just great, I love that blue rose - my eye just goes right to it. Beautiful color and placement. Congrats again!
  3. That was EXACTLY what I was going to say as I was reading @Graeme's post! Awesome book. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
  4. Smash out a backpiece in 3 solid days?!? As in, completely done? You've got my head spinning. I've been at this since Feb and I'm 13 sessions in. I have another 6 or so to go. Erin Chance - wow, some of her work is just breath taking. What are you thinking of getting?
  5. Oh for the love of god if you're going to write a message, leave spaces! Otherwise, that says, � 䈆 奈 ⁦ 摳 And I don't know WHAT the hell that means! :)
  6. What would be more fun is, "If you can read this, you're a geek like me. Let's go have drinks."
  7. Nahhhh, don't over think it. If I'd really done my research, I'm not sure I'd be doing a full back of the detail I am doing. I'm so glad now I'm doing what I'm doing! If you've got the desire and the funds, you're golden. You've got a great sleeve!
  8. Seriously, if anyone plans to do something like this, make sure you know what it says, if anything. Or, if you're really into quotes numbers, dates, this is one way to do it without making it obvious. Like making sure your "freedom" tattoo doesn't really mean "free, no charge." If read as ASCII, this has a lot of characters in the early part of the alphabet 'a' - 'n' and a bunch of control characters. If read as dec, there are some 62's and 69's but nothing that looks obvious as anything. There isn't any earth shattering message in this particular example, but you had better best check before you ink! (Of course, it could be in code encoded code ;) )
  9. Cool. Me too. I'm getting sucked into these sessions, looking forward to the next only days after, like I'm on a Netflix gorge or something. So, meet you back here next week?
  10. Ugh - that sucks. I hope you feel better soon. You can also lightly run your fingernails on the shirt right over the tattoo. I know what you mean about scratching around it - yup. I just had a session last night so I'm in the "lay on my belly with an ice back on my back" stage. My smacking advice would be extremely ill-advised right now!;)
  11. @OnyxRose - try smacking the tattoo instead. It helps with the itch, and if you can train yourself to unconsciously SMACK instead of unconsciously SCRATCH, you're golden! (A while back I was talking with a co-worker and found myself unconsciously smacking my ribs and not realize I was doing it... lol. I ended up sharing why I was behaving so strangely :) ) But it works.
  12. I had to look up crust kid and went down a rabbit hole of web pages - welcome!
  13. Welcome - do you have any tattoo pics you'd like to share?
  14. That's really nice. I like the way it has a scrimshaw or wood-cut kind of look to it.
  15. I know I know. It's a travesty. However, my friends have a well stocked home. If they have no cider, a Bloody Mary will have to suffice. 6 solid hours - I'm so pleased with the progress. And good news - there is an end in sight! He thinks about 5 or 6 more sessions 'till we're done. Going in again next week.
  16. Thanks @Cork - I'm repeating that in my head. Thank you for that. @Pleadco - um, yeah! But now he's up my shoulder blade and down my ribs. He's jumped over more than half my back! I hate expecting to feel needles HERE and they come down over THERE. @Mick Weder - good times, all right! But dammit - I'm staying over with friends tonight and forgot to pack a cider for the morning! Dammit! ;)
  17. Drilling the "tramp stamp" area. Joy. Love handles. My favorite.
  18. Welcome! I like the content - it flows nicely.
  19. @rhiannon - amazing how recognizable someone can be with only two colors and negative space like that. There's barely anything in the main face area, but how could you not recognize her? @pidjones - you're gonna have to get that "touched up" every so often to be up-to-date! I love the font.
  20. "Hobby" is the touchy word here. A hobby is something you're doing on the side, that's not as important as the primary stuff you do in life to survive - work, eat, provide, etc. Hobbies embody the luxury of time one has available for other less vital pursuits. It would be great if we all had jobs that we love, doing things we love, maybe even as much as we love our hobbies. But saying a career SEEMS like a hobby can be interpreted as demeaning a career. Sometimes it all come down to how a single word is used. And I don't think the original comment was meant to demean the careers of tattoo artists (even tho it kinda does). Quite possibly it was a statement of wishful envy, that someone has a career that seems so fun. YMMV.
  21. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/278-good-client-behavior.html http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/crazy-tattoo-stories/1276-tipping-etiquette.html
  22. Horrible. The triaging is the best thing you can possibly do for them right now. Along with lots of hugs. I can't imagine, but I'll keep you in my thoughts that you have the strength to do so.
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