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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. Welcome! It would help an artist if you had some basic ideas, like the angel for them to work with. We can all throw out ideas, but it should be important to you. It sounds like you might not have been completely in control of the last one, so this is the perfect time for you to imagine something that would be *you*. Is there something you got out of the bad relationship, like feeling like you have strength or something? Look for an image that represents how you feel now. Anyway, just a thought and good luck!
  2. Whoa! Um, I don't think anyone said anything to warrant that type of response from you directed at everyone. If you are not comfortable here, that's fine. No worries, no one is forcing to you be here. You'll probably feel more comfortable somewhere else then. But, since you appear to be trashing me as well, then I'll just go ahead and suggest a little more strongly that you listen to your heart about the shading before you finish that sleeve. You know, where you thought it was dark and wondered if it would fade?
  3. @purplelace - I wonder if there are examples of someone getting a word tattoo and finding out that it was slang or had another meaning elsewhere. I'm sure it's happened, but it would be funny to see.
  4. I have no visible tattoos. My back is always covered. My 4 year old granddaughter saw the big sea scene for the first time the other day. She just stared, and them immediately tried to rub it off! And it wouldn't come off! Then she tried to rub harder. But when I asked her if she could find Nemo - bam, she picked him right out. Kids are fun.
  5. I don't think this is a thread in which anyone would get upset to see a lowering of tone ;) And @HettyKet - no, I didn't know that! Thanks for mentioning that. Learn something new everyday :):rolleyes::cool:
  6. SeeSea

    Hello there!

    Welcome - pics to share?
  7. No need to overreact - @Graeme asked nicely. Spend some time and learn how to use the site. You'll find a lot of great stuff here.
  8. Fag used to mean cigarette in the US about 40-50 years ago, at least in the Midwest FWIW.
  9. I'd love to see a pie chart of the different types of tattoos people have, to put all those infinity symbols, etc. in context. And it would be neat to see that every decade or so. Might be kind of surprising. Although, sadly, the pie slice of scratcher tattoos is probably pretty large.
  10. It's been a while since I've seen someone use this many words to say nearly nothing. This almost sounds auto-generated. Well, except for this, which is pretty pretentious. Like if we're good enough for him, heh. Perhaps we don't feed the troll.
  11. Interesting article - thanks for posting, @keepcalm. I like this line - a lot of angst tied up in that. "In either case, modernity compels us to declare our identity with conviction, whether we’ve found it yet or not."
  12. Haha @Bunny Switchblade - my back flaps are conveniently hidden in the rippled dorsal fin of a moray eel. Great artists use the canvas to the best advantage, right? ;) Looks great!
  13. It was great to meet you all and yes @Pugilist, your peonies are beautiful. Now @gougetheeyes, desire for anonymity prevents you posting the pic where you could actually see our faces? ;)
  14. SeeSea


    Yeah, the 26.2 is a little cliche. It's nice milestone and all, but I'd put the 2.62 sticker on my car instead! :) Congrats on running!
  15. Yeah, I agree with you on the shading. Maybe you want to wait to see how it settles in on the contrast before rushing to make it a full sleeve? Would be useful to keep the update pics in one thread, too.
  16. Can't wait to see you guys later - I'm decked out in my Monmon Cat shirt and getting ready to roll! Bummed I can't meet you in person @ironchef.
  17. SeeSea


    This back killed my entire running year. That, and some pelvis problems which contributed to long term overuse injuries, my base is gone. So depressing!!! I'm allowed to start running a couple miles at a time now when I can sneak it in. Shaking my head. BUT! When my back is finished, which at the latest is Jan 2, I get to start training. Next year's big race - a team of us won the lottery for the Hood-to-Coast 197 mile relay in Oregon! I've never run a relay, but I am soooo excited! Anyone else run long relays?
  18. Ok, I'm gonna just drop this and run. The pain goes down noticeably in the middle of a hot flash.
  19. @Cork - amazing! Kicker on that last session to send you off in style, right? haha. Yeah, just post that bad boy as soon as the December thread opens up and they we'll all just mill around until January for any further submissions :) Congrats!
  20. I'm hanging in there. Little over 6 hours in. Damn spine work. Watching Harry Potter movies. That's about the speed of my brain right now!
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