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Mike H

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    Bold Lines
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  1. I agree with you, thanks for the response and clarification. I did misunderstand you. Keep up the great artwork.
  2. List of self taught tattoo artist: (and this is a small list) Tim Hendricks Boog Paul Booth Jun Cha Call those guys and let them know because they haven't learned the craft the way YOU want, that they suck and do everything wrong. The part that pushes my buttons here is the greed. Joe I am a huge fan of your artwork. But even you were on a TV show called MIAMI INK (a fake studio and the main reason tattooing became so main stream) So why now be the hardcore tattooer? Your popularity and fine work speaks for itself. Why the fuck would you assume every tattooer in the world should and need to follow a set pattern to become something. So here is the deal, I'm already a tattoo artist, I go and make DVDs, sell prints and even star on a TV show that put tattooing in the state it is today. But hey! you little kid, you cant follow in my shoes because you cant get the correct apprenticeship, because you live in a shithole city,town, or a place that has all scratcher shops that don't know shit anyways. So forget your dreams, get a job at the 7-11 and just stay away from my business....if you cant do it the way we do it here in america (because lord knows the only way to learn is from an apprenticeship). Next I want to make sure you know I disagree with the tattoo school also. I do not support it because of the perception that tattooing can be taught and learned in 2 weeks. That is probably the thing that I disagree with, the dumb-ing down of a talent,skillfull and time honored job such as tattooing. I cant believe that ALL THESE FREETHINKING ARTIST, want MORE REGULATION, on there FREETHINKING INDUSTRY, not smart people not smart.
  3. What a joke.
  4. "
  5. I agree, I feel if your work is good. You will always have a place. The things that somewhat bug me are the people that talk old school this and that. Tattooing and the art of tattooing did not start here in america. But it seems that the only view people take are the ones from the people here. Like this, in america we call it a tattoo machine. Guess what they call it in Europe? a gun "oh the evilness" So who is right, who is wrong. Seems every tattooer that comes up in my city has been tattooing 15 years. But ...I have lived here all my life. I don't remember any of them but 1 shop that still exist. And they all talk like they have been around forever. The truth is I know better. Same way a good artist should approach this TV show. You know better. No reason to cry about it.
  6. Tiger and Lion I have done
  7. Tattoos done for good price or tradeing welcome I dont know if the person is serious or this is a joke.
  8. hey hi are u an tattoo artist

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