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Everything posted by Jackrabbitt666

  1. Hey all, man it's been ages since I posted hope everyone is sweet. Just booked a trip to the Netherlands over Christmas and have some spare time and money saved for a small tattoo whilst in Amsterdam. Any places you guys recommend? Cheeeeeers
  2. Yes!! This is killer! - - - Updated - - - Yes!! This is killer!
  3. Nice!! Think I'll be getting a similar style dragon next
  4. Have a little 2 week Cali road trip planned for June.. Hopefully can squeeze a little bomber tattoo in at some point!
  5. That Delalande piece is so sweet!! I'm quite happy leaving my nipples as is
  6. Jess Swaffer's stuff is sweet!! She ever come to Europe?? - - - Updated - - - Jess Swaffer's stuff is sweet!! She ever come to Europe??
  7. Hell yea!! Really nice man
  8. Just had my chest tattooed on Friday holy crap the itch is insane.
  9. Just had a weekend in Oslo with the missus topped off with the first session on my chest by Tony at Blue Arms.. Super stoked with it Pic stolen from his Insta. Cheers to @hogg for Percy Waters reference
  10. Dude you're a legend. Cheers!! Such an awesome design
  11. Hey all, I'm trying to track down some flash of an eagle with a lady riding it fighting a snake. I think it was an Armund Dietzel piece, anyone know? Cheers!!
  12. All booked in with Tony at Blu Arms Oslo.. Super stoked!! Dreading the getting my chest done but excited as too. Looking forward to visiting Oslo too
  13. wilko66 here, not much tattoo stuff on my page either.. But shit instagram makes me want to get new tattoos daily!
  14. I'm debating this at the moment as well man! Just got an eagle on my arm so want something different.. At the moment a Lady head of some sort is winning. Let me know if you find some good inspiration!
  15. I have a tattoo from Joe, he's a super nice dude and really light handed.. cheers dude dunno why I didn't think of him!
  16. Thats a good shout @CABS Matt Houston does some rad stuff and who doesn't like a trip to Amsterdam!! I'll do some perusing of his lady heads this afternoon :) @BrianH cheers man, I have Valerie in mind for another piece, I want this one to be darker.. In saying that she would probably still kill it!"
  17. Yup I got tattooed by him this year at the Convention :) Not sure if would be up for a chest but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask.. What you think of the idea??
  18. Cheers dude, was just wondering if design would look right? I'm hunting for a tattooer to do it now. Would love to go back to Paul Dobleman as I love his stuff but I'm in the UK so could be tricky..
  19. Hey guys, I'm pretty new so be nice haha Reckon my next tattoo is going to be a chest piece but pretty stumped on what to get.. I have an eagle and a ship on my arm so was thinking some sort of Lady Head with a crow/raven behind her. Reckon this could work?? I've been hunting for good references but haven't found much so thought I pass it on to you trusty lot! Thanks for your help!
  20. Cheers dude, found some other threads regarding this and your completely right Japanese & American trad looking sweet next to each other! Pretty nervous about another rib tickler though haha!
  21. Hey guys just wondering what direction I should take with my torso.. I only have a traditional Japanese style rib piece at the moment (it's on my profile page) but not sure what to do next?? Most of my other tattoos are american traditional and was thinking of going with a Panther on my otherside and maybe a some sort of winged chest piece.. Or would I be better going with another Japanese style piece on my ribs?
  22. Yea man really stoked! Now I ave an eagle unsure what to put on my chest hmmm
  23. @Russ that Leopard is soo sweet!! Looks awesome! Had this Eagle and Skull combo done at the convention by Paul Dobleman
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