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Mick Weder

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Everything posted by Mick Weder

  1. I'm getting into that site now...I'm liking Clearsight! No, I mean, once I purchase from React, whether iTunes will allow me to add it to my library. Some external digitals do. I might purchase the Clearsight demo for $4 and give it a whirl..see what happens. Again, awesome. Thanks mate. - - - Updated - - - It does allow me to open with iTunes. Sweet.
  2. Thanks for that link @suburbanxcore Do you know if these digital albums will drop in iTunes?
  3. Welcome to this faaarkin awesome little community here at LST.
  4. Had a nice little walk in not knowing what the fuck we were gonna do until after a couple of ales again. I'm enjoying these little pieces ATM. Keeping us interested before we get back to slamming fields of colour on my right thigh/ arse cheek. Anyway, eagles..skulls..daggers? fuck it, throw em all together mate! :)
  5. Cruised out for beers and food last night. Young lady serving from the bar asks, awesome tattoos. She extends her hand, I shake it like I would anyone else. We chat for 5 minutes about tattoos. She pulls up her own sleeve to show me her sleeve work. She thanks me for the time, I say.. No! Thank you as she served me a beer for free. A pleasant, genuine exchange with respect which should be consistent with every engagement...in my book.
  6. Getting fucked up on Jagermeister and slamming ink. Yep, sounds faaarkin awesome to me too :) - - - Updated - - -
  7. Cruised down the road to put fuel & air in the motorcycle this morning. Said to the Misso, be back in 15. Thought I'd extend the ride a little further. Next thing I know I'm banging the motorway north, then hit the Glasshouse Mountains, thought I'd better roll through a couple little country towns...oh, fuel stops needed & rolled a smoke. Not a cloud in the sky with a little nort easterly blowing @ about 17 degress. Rolled down the mountain, back on the motorway banging 6th gear cruising at $1.20 back to home. 4 hours later and 350 K's. Yeah! That was fuckin awesome. Not a care in the world.
  8. @bongsau. Excellent post. Sums it up exactly. Took me 20...something years to hit solid neck and hands/ fingers. Even then at first I felt exposed, but they're my favourite additions because as mentioned above, it compliments who I am and the rest of the suit. Even the compliments from work surprised me. As I've mentioned before, I work health care at a majour metro hospital within Corporate Services. Even attending Executive meetings, I lay my cards and hands on the table, and when you can prove your able to talk the talk, people become more interested in what you have to say rather than the way you look. Breaking down prejudice is great.
  9. Not sure tbh. When we were working the torso, we did all the line work on the entire torso first, then dropped all the black/ background, then hit the colour instead of just doing the features as individual tattoos. I remember wanting the torso done quick, so it was usually 2 sessions a week to smash through the fucker.
  10. That's the thongs I wear on my feet too BTW, not the ones I adorn during drunky blunders. :p I used to get real angry with that shit, but ya know, if I kept getting angry with how people are in general, I'd be angry all the time. It's like, today I found out a dude I've known for some time, a dude I considered a friend, mentioned my name in front of a group of people & let the cat out of the bag regarding a something I have been doing at work that may not be entirely in accordance with local policy, but it's a something where no one suffers and it's for the better for all concerned...a little of the cutting of corners for everyones benefit. All know what I'm doing, but it's one of them things we don't mention. You's all get the drift I'm sure. For me, that's a matter of integrity. Loose lips sink ships. I didn't get angry, don't get upset...I now just wipe him from my circle of trust. That mole at my kids school, I make sure I go out of my way now to sit next to her, say hello & smile.
  11. There's defo some advantages. When we take the kids to the beach and looking for a primo spot to sit, it's amazing how when I'll strip down to a pair of shorts, put up the umbrella, fold out the chair and crack a coldie, then the people who up and move ha! Was it sumfink that I done? Thanks for the space.
  12. And these are mostly the subtle stares we might pick up on. When my wife (who has nil tattoos) are out and I may be walking ahead, she sees so many people cranking their necks and literally stop to stare. She can't believe it. On another note but, we took our kids to a music concert some time back one evening. All the other stiff parents in their usual shirts, ties and lovely attire...I'm in my usual jeans, t shirts and thongs. The following day at the school...you know, some mother had the audacity to say to my wife...your poor kids. When my wife asked what the fuck she was talking about, she says...don't you feel ashamed on the bad influence your husband has on your children? Fuck, didn't that bitch cop a serve from the Mrs.
  13. Haha. I like that. Smashed it in! That's what it's about...load it up & drill it in. Ever time I've hit real painful areas, old mate says...there's two ways we can tackle this. Good attitude ;)
  14. Loved this flick. Great soundtrack also.
  15. I had so much fun last Sunday having an off the wall tattoo slammed into the back of my neck, that we're gonna do the same this Sunday. Kinda takes me back to how we started...not sure what I want, just pick one on the day, maybe have a little custom piece drawn up over a couple of ales then drill it in. Makes a nice change to big fields so planned out and executed. It's awesome how after all these years being tattooed that the buzz is still alive. :)
  16. Awesome intro. Awesome tattoos. Inky cuddles right back at ya! Welcome.
  17. It doesn't just happen to women. Fair dinkum, I was at work the other week and had to meet this female to discuss some matters of business who I had never met before. As I was talking, she started running her fingers over my hands and up my arms, then as I kinda just looked at her, she said sorry...I couldn't help but touch your tattoos then said she had to go. It was quite bizarre.
  18. It's winter in Brisbane too @Breakme. 22 degrees and sunshine tomorrow. Might go for a mid morning winter ride to the coast. :)
  19. @Breakme. Fuckin'.....hell! That there's no mate. That's just a breach of friendship morals right there. With mates like that, who needs fuckin' enemies right? Oh, and don't people understand?? Ya don't "fall" off fuckin' motorcycles. You either crash for riding beyond your capabilities or because some retard t-bones ya 'cause the fuckers not paying attention. My old man used to break my balls all the time about riding, until this one day when I was taking the bike out, he comes in & says to me....mate, ya shouldn't be riding ya know fuckin' bla bla fuckin' bla. I snapped at him saying...fuckin' hell mate, I know how fuckin' dangerous it is on the roads with the amount of wombats out there trying to sandwich me out, the last thing I need while I'm mentally preparing myself to ride safe, is you reminding me of how fuckin' dangerous it is. He's never said another word about riding since. Anyway, @Graeme. Ya right. People can stick their latest gadgets, tea towel & spoon collections up their arse. I've got my corner covered, they should concentrate on theirs. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, I forgot to mention. I hate motherfuckers who ask me how much I spent on tattoos. Like, I really fuckin' hate that. I tell 'em, it ain't about the money. I don't count, nor can I put a $ value on it. It's something a lot deeper than a superficial material need. If people gotta ask me how much & why, I tell them now...those types of questions tell me you have no genuine interest to understand the origins of tattooing & what it means, so I refuse to waste my time trying to educate the curious. Fuck 'em.
  20. I had a mate a while back now bust my balls because of the extent I have myself tattooed, saying he could never justify the amount of $ spent for such a selfish interest. It kinda blew me away a bit, & the only reason I engaged the conversation is because we grew up together. A) you don't know how much I spend, you only guesstimate going by average "shop hours" B) I don't go out pissing my money against the wall C) my family are provided for, kids are schooled, clothed, fed, dance, swimming, martial arts, piano, violin, orchestra, swimming ...the list goes on...all paid for. Isn't it fucked how people feel they have the right to call you out on your priorities when all they see is what they see sitting in front of them. It's like another dude I know said riding a motorcycle is a selfish mode of transport. Like, WTF? How can that be selfish when my 11 & 9 year olds and Mrs love riding with me. I think we only feel guilty sometimes because it's pushed upon us by fuckers who should be looking in their own back yard before commenting on ours.
  21. Went to McDonalds for a Big Mac & a medium chocolate thick shake for lunch today.
  22. Dan Bursell does killer work alright hifire. Nice, clean work mate. Good times in Brisbane! - - - Updated - - - I'm hearing this mate :) Just think what ya got to look forward to when you start your next major piece. It's more than just the tattoo for sure that gets ya. Good head space bud.
  23. Yep. I'll defo back what @DevilMan says here. The real painful motherfucker is where the thigh joins the ass. That area is real rubbery like & by fuck was teeth clenching, breath holding painful. The cheek itself but, very manageable.
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